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Supply of adjustable focal length RGBA projectors, LYON

Notice of public call for competition
Publishing Department (s): 69
Advert No 21-68537

Official name and address of the purchasing organization: City of Lyon.
Correspondent: the mayor, general delegation for town planning, real estate and works 69205 Lyon internet address: http://wwww.marchespublics.lyon.fr.
Internet address of the buyer profile: http://marches2.lyon.fr.
Main activity (ies) of the contracting authority: General public administration services.-

Object of the contract : supply of adjustable focal length RGBA projectors.-

CPV – Main object: 31518100.
Place of delivery : In Lyon.
Code NUTS : -FRK26.
The opinion involves the establishment of a framework agreement.
Framework agreement with a single operator.
Duration of the framework agreement: 12 months.
Main Features :

within the framework of the renovation of the public lighting of the site of the crossroads of Docteurs Mérieux and the Megaphorbaie of the Parc de Gerland, the city of Lyon wishes to proceed with the acquisition of RGBA projectors with adjustable focal length and, incidentally, of Rdm controllers .
2 main order phases are planned, the first at the start of the 2nd semester 2021 and the second at the start of the 1st semester 2022
Quantities (supplies and services), nature and scope (works): the minimum and maximum order amounts to which the buyer commits are as follows for the entire duration of the framework agreement:
– minimum order amount: 0 euro (s)
– maximum order amount: 210,000.00 euro (s) (HT).
Estimated value (HT): 210,000 euros.
Refusal of variants.
The procurement procedure for this notice is covered by the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement: no.
Services divided into lots: non.
Duration of the contract or time limit for completion: 12 months from the notification of the market.
Main terms of financing and payment and / or references to the texts which regulate them: – The prices are firm.
– Unless otherwise indicated in the deed of engagement equivalent to the special clauses, provision is made for the payment of a fixed advance to the holder.
– the payment period is 30 days under the conditions provided for in the deed of engagement constituting special clauses.
Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded: joint or solidary grouping.
The performance of the contract is subject to other specific conditions: no.
Languages ​​that can be used in the offer or application: French.
Currency unit used, the euro.
Conditions of participation :
Reserved market: non.
Justifications to be produced as to the qualities and capacities of the candidate:
Other information requested:

Other information requested: declaration of honor: A declaration on honor (Dc1 or equivalent) justifying that the candidate does not enter into any of the cases of exclusions provided for by the Code of public procurement;
Other information requested: last turnover: A declaration specifying the last known overall turnover (form Dc2 or equivalent);
Other information requested: simplified ref: All documents, references, certificates, certificates of performance or other that the candidate can rely on.
The transmission and verification of application documents can be carried out by the Simplified Public Market system on presentation of the SIRET number: NO
Award criteria:

Economically most advantageous tender assessed according to the criteria set out in the specifications (consultation rules, invitation letter or descriptive document).
An electronic auction will not be performed.

Type of procedure: adapted procedure.

Deadline for receipt of tenders: June 11, 2021, at 12 noon.

Minimum period of validity of offers: 5 months from the deadline for receipt of tenders.

Other informations :
Reference number attributed to the contract by the contracting authority / contracting entity: N1EP8945.
Further information : the deposit of envelopes must be submitted electronically.
this consultation benefits from the Dume Service.
To find this full notice, access the DCE, ask the buyer questions, file a letter, go to http://marches2.lyon.fr

The estimated start date of the framework agreement is scheduled for July 2021.
the documents requested for the application and the offer as well as their delivery method are detailed in the consultation regulations.
online invoicing will be accepted.
Obtainable deadline: June 11, 2021, at 12 noon.
Terms of opening of tenders:
Date: June 11, 2021, at 12:01 p.m.
Location: lyon.
Date of dispatch of this notice for publication: May 20, 2021.
Address from which administrative and technical information can be obtained: ECP_DGUIT: Stéphanie BASSET.
1 Place de la comédie, Requests for information should only be sent in writing via the correspondence section of the AWS buyer profile, 69205 Lyon,, tel. : 04-72-10-30-30,, fax: 04-78-28-20-31,, email: [email protected], Internet address : http://marches2.lyon.fr.
Body responsible for appeal procedures: Administrative Tribunal of Lyon 184 rue Duguesclin Cedex 03 69433 Lyon, tel. : 04-78-14-10-10, email: [email protected], fax: 04-78-14-10-65 internet address: http://lyon.tribunal-administratif.fr/.
Service from which information can be obtained concerning the lodging of appeals: Registry of the Administrative Tribunal of Lyon 184, rue Duguesclin Cedex 03 69433 Lyon, tel. : 04-78-14-10-10, email: [email protected], fax: 04-78-14-10-65 internet address: http://lyon.tribunal-administratif.fr/.

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