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“Supply Gap: Difficulty in Finding Mental Health Therapists Worries VdK in Hesse”

Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) – In Hesse it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a therapist for mental problems. The supply gap also worries the social association VdK. More and more members are reporting there who have difficulties finding an appointment with a psychotherapist in a timely manner.

According to the VdK, many would get an appointment for the first interview within four weeks. But then it could take between six and nine months before a place for psychotherapy becomes available and the actual treatment begins. “There is no lack of qualified therapists, but there is a lack of practices with cash registers,” said the state chairman of the social association VdK Hessen-Thüringen, Paul Weimann.

The VdK urgently demands more health insurance approvals for psychotherapists. “People who suffer from depression and anxiety usually don’t have the strength to call all the practices in the area and ask for a place in therapy,” says Weimann. “In addition, there is a risk that the symptoms will worsen and disorders will become established during the long waiting period.”

The Hessian Chamber of Psychotherapists sees a particularly great need for children, adolescents and young adults. “Even after the end of the acute phase of the corona pandemic, there is still an increased need for treatment,” says a resolution recently passed by the chamber’s assembly of delegates.

Even with severe mental illnesses, they would have to wait “increasingly longer” for a place in a clinic or outpatient treatment. “Many find no way of caring for their mental illnesses at all,” the resolution says. In order to improve care quickly, the chamber proposes expanding the treatment capacities with “special needs approvals”.

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