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Supplements alert for weight loss with banned substances, only 1 in 30 is in compliance

There are so many supplements for weight loss, but Altroconsumo has raised an alarm. Pay attention to what you buy, only 1 in 30 was found to be in order.

More and more consumer groups find irregularities in foods, drugs, herbal teas and other products that we consume habitually. Products which by the way they should improve health and well-being. The last one studio carried out by Altroconsumo ci warns from the dangers deriving frompurchase of supplements to lose weight. Here’s what came out of it test.

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We are almost in estate and in this period it can really come desire to get back in shape. Maybe to lose those “two kilos” accumulated with the greedy (and caloric) winter recipes. There is actually nothing wrong with taking a “detox period” as well lighten the body. Il problem arises when we don’t rely on experts and think of resort to do-it-yourself.

Of course, trade “does not help”. There are so many products that we can find almost anywhere. Just two clicks and our purchases will be delivered to your home in a few days. Even if it comes to supplements to lose weight. They do not fall into the categories of “drugs”, and they do not need a prescription. But they shouldn’t be taken lightly, regardless.

If we then find out exactly what’s inside then it is best to avoid it at all. Because, in addition to not guaranteeing weight loss, some supplements can pure be bad for your health. Ecco what he found the well-known magazine Other consumptionexamining 30 types of supplements for weight loss for sale online.

What lies behind the supplements, a potentially dangerous phenomenon for anyone

As stated above, the supplements they are not medicinal e can be bought freely. But this it does not mean that they do not have to respect the rules that protect the health of consumers. Altroconsumo wanted to investigate a sector that yields a lot of moneyor rather that of supplements for weight loss.

As it reminds us The sun 24 hours in a item examining the same question, in Italy there are more than 30 million le people using regularly various types of supplements. And who in this way contributed “yet increase in turnover of 7.4% in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2020. By registering a total business volume of over 2 billion euros“. Billions divided between physical and online activities, of which the latter type takes a large share, which has grown in the last period of well +49,4%.

Pay attention to what you buy, Altroconsumo warns: 30 weight loss supplements examined, only 1 was classified as suitable

It’s not that unlikely therefore that some of us have a product at home for weight loss or a supplement bought on Internet. Altroconsumo has examined 30 of those available on the most popular platforms (Amazon, Whish, Ebay and Aliexpress) and the results are disconcerting.

I lab test performed on samples have brought out different types of discrepancies. 80% of the supplements analyzed have irregularities in the label or unclear indications. Some contain illegal substances among the ingredients. Two above all, Amphetamines and Salicylic Acid. Amphetamines, let us recall briefly, are narcotic substances which block hunger (otherwise known as anorectics) and act as humoral hyperstimulants. But they also give one very strong addictionand that’s what I am for prohibited.

But that’s not all: indeed 5 out of 30 products do not correctly state the formulation or the ingredients contained. In 2 samples a substance used in cosmetics was found but which should not be ingested. 2 other products claimed to contain active substances, but in reality only the excipients were found.

At the end of the investigation, only 1 product out of 30 was compliant. A staggering number. We renew Altroconsumo’s appealtherefore: pay attention to what you buy, especially on the net. Those who want to get back in shape must above all protect their health. And only with advice from the attending physician or a specialist can be obtained correct indications on how to do it.

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