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Supervision Company Scandal: LH’s Connection to Missing Steel Bars and Former Pipe Companies

Supervision company of ‘Geomdan Hwajeong Collapse Apartment’ supervised again

Neutralization of ‘duplicate order deduction’ by forming a consortium

LH Apartment Parking Columns Added with Steel Plates [사진 = 연합뉴스]

The design and supervision of five apartment complexes of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH), in which ‘missing rebar’ was recently revealed, were also found to be in charge of the so-called former building companies working for LH graduates.

It is suspected that the reason why LH arbitrarily excluded the five rebar-missing complexes, which were designed and supervised by former pipe companies, from the announcement was an attempt to avoid social criticism.

According to data submitted by LH by Rep. Park Jeong-ha (People’s Power) of the National Assembly’s Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee on the 17th, all five complexes with missing steel bars in the underground parking lot that LH concealed and later revealed are involved in design and supervision.

Usually, two to four companies form a consortium to design and supervise LH public housing. In the five complexes, 15 companies, or 70% of the total of 21 companies that participated, were all companies with LH graduates. In other words, the entire building companies swept all orders for designing and supervising the apartment in question.

The five complexes are Hwaseong Namyang New Town B-10 Block, Pyeongtaek Sosabeol A7, Paju Unjeong 3 A37, Goyang Janghang A4 currently under construction, and Iksan Peace (maintenance project). Company A, which was in charge of designing Paju Unjeong 3, was founded in 2014 by a former LH.

The current CEO is also from LH. Company A designed 2 complexes out of a total of 20 complexes in which rebar omissions were confirmed, and supervised 3 complexes.

LH President Lee Han-joon apologized for the recent incident of missing steel bars in an apartment building at a meeting presided over by the president held at the LH Seoul Regional Headquarters in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 2nd. [사진 = 연합뉴스]

Moreover, the former pipe companies received up to five overlapping orders for complexes with missing rebars. The entire building companies that participated in the supervision of the Incheon Geomdan New City apartment, where the underground parking lot of the Muryangpan structure collapsed, and the Hwajeong I-Park apartment in Gwangju, where the exterior walls collapsed, reappeared in the design and supervision of apartments with steel bars missing.

Company B, which jointly designed with company A, was also founded in 2020 by an LH graduate and serves as its representative. Paju Unjeong 3 was supervised by LH.

Company C, which is in charge of supervising Pyeongtaek Sosabeol, also has a representative from LH. Company C also participated in the supervision of Incheon Geomdan Apartment and Gwangju Hwajeong I-Park. He also supervised three complexes of missing rebar. Over the past five years, the company has received 23 supervision services from LH, amounting to 42.8 billion won.

Among the three companies jointly supervising the Hwaseong Namyang New Town, Company D is a company founded and headed by an LH graduate. In addition to LH retirees, a large number of people from the Ministry of National Defense, Seoul City, Seoul Housing and Communities Corporation (SH), Gyeonggi-do, and Gyeonggi Housing and Communities Corporation (GH) have served.

E company, which was in charge of supervision along with D company, also has LH retirees as executives. The company was in charge of designing two complexes with rebar missing and supervising one complex. Company F, which designed Hwaseong Namyang New Town, won many LH design contests and ranked 5th in architectural design sales last year. LH graduates worked as executives.

Goyang Janghang Port was designed by company G. Company G, along with company C, is in charge of supervising Andante Apartment in Geomdan New Town, where the underground parking lot collapsed. Just as company C won several supervision services, company G also supervised 4 complexes with missing rebars, including the Geomdan.

Company H, which was in charge of supervising Janghang Port in Goyang, is also a full-service company. The company was in charge of designing one complex with rebar missing and supervising two complexes.

Of the seven companies in charge of designing and supervising the Iksan Peace Peace, five are classified as full-service companies.

There was a loophole in the selection process behind the large number of orders received by these companies. LH is giving deductions when a lot of contracts are signed to prevent a specific company from being wiped out. However, this regulation can be avoided by forming a consortium and presenting a company with fewer contracts as the host company. If you team up with a company that doesn’t have a prior office, you won’t have any problems with winning orders.

Rep. Park Jeong-ha said, “We need to take this opportunity to be reborn as a trusted public corporation by thoroughly rooting out LH’s corruption.”

2023-08-18 11:29:34
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