Home » today » World » Supervised by Kim Jong-un, North Korean Military Parade Wears Hazmat Suits and Without Nuclear Weapons

Supervised by Kim Jong-un, North Korean Military Parade Wears Hazmat Suits and Without Nuclear Weapons


PYONGYANG Kim Jong-un , leader North Korea (North Korea), overseeing a military parade to celebrate the country’s 73rd birthday, last night. Uniquely, this military parade featured soldiers marching in hazmat suits and not displaying nuclear weapons.

State media KCNA, on Thursday (9/9/2021), reported North Korea parading troops without ballistic missiles in its capital. Fighter jets fly in formation over the midnight parade at Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang.

Also read: North Korea has secretly held a military parade

according to KCNA, several conventional weapons were on display, including several rocket launchers and a tractor carrying anti-tank missiles.

But no ballistic missiles were seen or mentioned in the report, and Kim Jong-un did not deliver any speech, unlike last October when he boasted about the country’s nuclear weapons capabilities and showcased intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The Rodong Sinmun newspaper published a photo of Kim Jong-un, dressed in a beige suit, waving from the balcony at the assembled troops and onlookers.

North Korea often celebrates national anniversaries in a big way by displaying thousands of troops and its most advanced military hardware in parades on Kim Il-sung Square. The name of the field is taken from the founder of North Korea who is also the name of Kim Jong-un’s grandfather.

State television did not broadcast footage of the military parade, which included a parade of soldiers wearing orange hazmat suits. The parade the night before had not been shown live, but a recorded broadcast was shown on state television a few hours later.

Report KCNA comes hours after South Korea’s joint chiefs of staff said they were closely monitoring North Korea after detecting signs of a military parade.

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