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Superpower AI: 5 transformative use cases in marketing

2. Optimizing marketing workflows through AI-supported communication tools

Modern communication platforms such as Microsoft Teams have integrated AI features that not only improve communication but also automate repetitive tasks.

For example, during video conferences, AI can transcribe what is being said in real time, simplifying the creation of meeting minutes. Such features save valuable time that would otherwise be spent on manual transcriptions and enable instant accessibility and traceability of meeting content. This leads to increased productivity and more efficient follow-up to meetings.

Screenshot of MS Teams with transcript for download, © Kirsten Meisinger

Even more efficient: Download the text file and use an AI, such as ChatGPT or MS Teams, to summarize the to-dos, deadlines or other relevant content. Google Workspace also offers these AI functions. Both tools require the paid Pro version.

3. Comprehensive market analysis through AI-based data scraping

Data Scraping Tools wie Outscraper provide a powerful way to extract information from platforms like Amazon, Google, and others. These tools are able to collect and deliver massive amounts of data automatically, helping marketers gain deeper insights into market trends, competitor activity, and customer preferences.

© Kirsten MeisingerScreenshot from Outscraper.com, © Kirsten Meisinger

Through the web interface, users can access the various APIs for different data sources. After the scraping request is configured by setting specific parameters and filters, Outscraper extracts the data automatically.

Using this data optimizes marketing strategies in ways that would be difficult to achieve without the use of AI. The efficiency in data collection and analysis makes it possible to react quickly to market changes and make informed decisions.

4. Increase visibility through AI-assisted SEO

All companies are fighting to appear on the first page of Google search results with their relevant keywords. Optimizing content for search engines is an important basis for successful online marketing. AI-supported tools such as ChatGPT provide support in researching and creating SEO-optimized content.

Prompts such as are suitable for keyword research:

  • “Analyze the keywords for our website xy. Identify the gaps in the current keyword strategy and suggest improvements.”
  • “Create a list of long tail keywords for [Thema/Branche].“

AI helps identify relevant keywords, cluster content thematically, and use these insights to create texts that are attractive to both readers and search engines. By using AI, marketing teams can speed up the content creation process while ensuring the quality and relevance of the content.

Screenshot of ChatGPT with prompt for a blog post, © Kirsten MeisingerScreenshot of ChatGPT with prompt for a blog post, © Kirsten Meisinger

5. Data-driven decision making through advanced AI analytics tools

The ability to analyze large amounts of data and derive actionable insights from it is essential for modern marketing strategies. Here too, analysis tools such as the ChatGPT Data Analyst by providing fast and accurate data analytics.

Using natural language queries, users can ask the tool to perform specific data queries or perform data manipulation such as filtering, sorting and grouping data.

This not only makes it easier to process and analyze data, but also to create engaging visualizations that convey complex information intuitively. This enables marketing professionals to make informed decisions and plan strategic directions more effectively.

Final thoughts

The integration of AI into marketing workflows leads to a more efficient way of working. However, there is no general answer to how and where AI is best used: the answer is as individual as each company and its respective marketing teams. The selection must be specifically tailored to the needs and challenges of marketing. It is still true that success depends not only on the technology, but also on careful integration and application in accordance with legal frameworks.


– AI image generator from Germany goes viral

© Black Forest Labs via Canva, Various images, AI-generated, side by side, FLUX lettering, colorful© Black Forest Labs via Canva

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