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Supermoon Phenomenon: What’s the Difference between a Regular Full Moon and Supermoon?

CNN Indonesia

Tuesday, 01 Aug 2023 09:43 WIB

Illustration. The supermoon orbits slightly closer to Earth than the average Moon, so it appears slightly larger and brighter. (Photo: AP/Francisco Seco)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Phenomenon This super full moon (Supermoon) or full moon will decorate the sky tonight, Tuesday (1/8). Then, what’s the difference Supermoon with a regular Full Moon?

The supermoon orbits slightly closer to Earth than the average Moon, so it appears slightly larger and brighter. It happens because the Moon has Earth’s elliptical orbit.

The moon has perigee (closest) and apogee (farthest). The average perigee and apogee distances can range from 363,400 to 405,500 kilometers respectively, citing Live Science.

The difference in size between a Supermoon and a regular Full Moon may not be immediately visible to the naked eye. However, this phenomenon can still be seen directly by the human eye.

Researcher at the Space Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Thomas Djamaludin revealed that the space phenomenon is the same as seeing an ordinary full moon phenomenon.

“Supermoon is the closest full moon, so its size is larger than average. Observing a Supermoon is the same as observing an ordinary full moon,” said Thomas when contacted. CNNIndonesia.comMonday (31/7).

Thomas explained that the full moon phase is a condition when the entire surface of the moon facing Earth reflects sunlight. The distance between the Earth and the Moon at that time was 357,528 kilometers.

The public can see the Supermoon phenomenon directly without additional sights and can be observed all night. This Supermoon phenomenon can be seen since the sun sets and the Moon begins to appear on the eastern horizon until just before setting on the western horizon in the morning.

The Supermoon phenomenon will take place in Indonesia on Wednesday (2/8) starting at 01.31 WIB, 02.31 WITA and 03.31 WIT.

The August Full Moon known as the Sturgeon Supermoon is the first of two Full Moons in August. This month will be 99 percent brighter when it rises in the east at dusk, as opposed to sunset.

At its peak, the Supermoon will be 357,311 kilometers from the center of the Earth, making it the second largest Supermoon in 2023. This Sturgeon Supermoon is said to be similar in size to the Super Full Moon which will occur on August 30.


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2023-08-01 02:43:00
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