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Supermassive black holes inhibit star formation

Several years of observation and theoretical modeling have helped astrophysicists better understand how gas collapses to form new stars in galaxies. But not all active galaxies form. Such galaxies have many “quiet” objects, including stars, at much lower velocities.

what stops? Star formation in the galaxy? For two decades, scientists have been exploring the answer to this question.

A new study aiming to find the same seems to have uncovered what may be responsible.

The study includes the use of machine learning and three recent simulations to support findings from a large sky survey. The three simulations are EAGLE, Illustris, and IllustrisTNG. Simulations help scientists determine what we expect to see in the real universe, as the SDSS observes when various physical processes have stopped. Stars are born in massive galaxies.

Machine learning algorithms are then applied to classify galaxies into star-forming and stationary, questioning one of three parameters: mass, supermass black hole Found at the center of the galaxy, total mass stars in the galaxy, or the mass of dark matter around galaxies, best predicts how galaxies will appear.

These parameters allow scientists to determine which physical processes are operating strongly galaxy In half retired.

According to simulations, the mass of supermassive black holes is the most important factor in limiting star formation. Most importantly, the results match Local Universe Records.

Joanna Piotrowska, Ph.D. student at Cambridge University, He saidAnd “It’s very interesting to see how the simulation predicts exactly what we see in the real universe. Supermassive black holes – objects with masses of millions or even billions of Suns – have a huge impact on their environment. This monster is forcing its parent galaxy into a semi-retired type of star formation.”

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The work will be presented today at the Virtual National Astronomy Meeting (NAM 2021).

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