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Supermassive Black Hole in Galactic Center Revealed

SAN FRANCISCO, iNews.id – New study reveals the most precise information about the masses black hole large in the center of the Galaxy. Like most galaxies, the Milky Way has supermassive black hole at its heart and new research shows more about the mass of the monster called Sagittarius A* or Sgr A*.

The researchers used instruments including the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope to measure the movement of stars near the black hole to see how much mass at the center of the galaxy was caused by stars, smaller black holes, and other matter, and how much was caused by the black hole. itself.

“With the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for confirmation that Sgr A* is indeed a black hole, we now want to go one step further. We wanted to understand if there is something else hidden in the center of the Milky Way and whether general relativity is indeed the correct theory of gravity in this extreme laboratory,” Stefan Gillessen, one of the astronomers involved in the study, said in a statement.

The easiest way to answer that question, the researchers say, is to follow the orbit of a star that passes near Sgr A*. The researchers found that most of this mass, about 99.9 percent, was caused by black holes, as quoted from Digital Trends.

Editor: Dini Listiyani

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