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Supermarkets intervene against hoarders: sell flour and oil limited

The supermarkets Colruyt, Okay, Jumbo and Lidl are limiting the sale of some products. After all, the war seems to encourage hoarding. Other retailers in Belgium do not limit sales and call for common sense.

Colruyt, the largest supermarket chain in the country, has limited the sale of flour and oil to two products per customer. So a customer can buy two packets of flour and two bottles of oil. It concerns both sunflower oil and other oils (olive oil, salad oil …).

Posters have been hung on the racks of flour and oil to inform the customer about the measure. It is the first time since the corona crisis in 2020 that restrictions have been imposed again.

However, according to spokeswoman Hanne Poppe, there is sufficient stock to meet normal demand. ‘But consumption is no longer normal in recent days.’ Colruyt thinks that the messages about price increases and possible supply problems encourage customers to stock more than necessary.

“The purchase restriction is a preventative measure, to allow our staff to restock the shelves and give all customers the opportunity to make a purchase.” The restriction applies to the ‘Colruyt Lowest Prices’ and Okay supermarkets, not to Bioplanet and Spar.

The Jumbo chain has even introduced a limit of one bottle of sunflower oil per customer. Delhaize also signals increased sales of flour and sunflower oil. ‘We call on customers to show solidarity and not to buy more than necessary, but we do not ration. Restrictions are not an issue’, responds Delhaize spokesman Roel Dekelver.

toilet paper

The discounter Lidl, on the other hand, is introducing a rationing of toilet paper and canned vegetables, in addition to a restriction on oil. Here too, two packs are the norm, except for toilet paper. You can buy three packs of that.

When the corona crisis erupted, consumers started hoarding toilet paper en masse. The supermarket federation Comeos has already warned that reports of price increases and supply problems caused by the war could encourage people to hoard.

‘We are launching a constructive appeal to show solidarity and ensure that there is enough for everyone and therefore only buy what is necessary. There are no shortages, but we want to temper sales. We notice that the coverage of the war is increasing demand and we want to avoid a situation like two years ago,” said a Lidl spokeswoman.

No restrictions at Carrefour and Aldi

Carrefour does not impose any limits. “There is no supply problem. We have sufficient stock’. The same with Aldi: ‘For the time being, we are not going to limit sales. We do notice a greater demand for sunflower oil, flour and pasta. But we don’t have any stock problems’.

Ukraine and Russia are among the largest producers of wheat and sunflower oil worldwide. Because of the war there is a fear of supply problems and shortages, resulting in large price increases.

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