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Supermarket strike, stop on Easter Eve

MILANO – Easter Eve agitated for supermarkets. For tomorrow Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl e Uiltucs have proclaimed a day of national strike after the breakdown of the negotiating table for the renewal of the national contract for modern organized distribution, which expired in 2019 and awaited by over 240 thousand workers employed by companies associated with Federdistribuzione.

Large-scale retail trade, Federdistribuzione: “Irresponsible strike by unions”. And he relaunches: “From April advance increase in paycheck”

by Rosaria Amato

The unions loudly condemn “Federdistribuzione’s intolerance towards contracts”, and, we read in a note, have proclaimed a day of national strike which will be “implemented by abstention from work for the entire work shift” . The basis of the mobilization was “the irresponsibility of Federdistribuzione” in presenting “various requests aimed at sabotaging rights and guarantees currently contained in the National Collective Labor Agreement and which the workers in commercial distribution have achieved at the cost of sacrifices and struggles over the course of of recent decades”.

The business association speaks of “unilateral breakdown of the negotiation on the renewal of the contract” by the trade unions and “considers the proclamation of a day of strike to be unmotivated and irresponsible”. “Federdistribuzione – explains the business association in a note – has never failed to be willing to negotiate in the various phases that have taken place in the previous months and during the last meeting on 26 and 27 March it expressed its willingness to recognize the wage increases expressly requested by the trade unions, having always put the importance of protecting workers together with the necessary sustainability for businesses first.”

“Despite the refusal of the trade union organizations to renew the national collective agreement – he further underlines – the companies belonging to Federdistribuzione have therefore decided to grant their workers a gross increase of 70 euros (reset to level IV) starting from next April to advance payment on future contractual increases, maintaining the hope that the trade union organizations can return to the negotiating table as soon as possible with the common objective of reaching the contractual renewal”

#Supermarket #strike #stop #Easter #Eve
– 2024-05-13 05:25:06

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