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Superbonus, unequal treatment between beneficiaries

For the same expenditure financed by the State, there are those who will pay more and those less. The revaluation of cadastral income following the energy efficiency works will cause confusion in families and chaos in professional and technical offices, but above all it will fuel unequal treatment among the beneficiaries of the superbonus.

«Those who already had a high cadastral income will not now have to proceed with the cadastral change, as the ratio between the expenses calculated for the improvements and the original values ​​could be less than 15 percent. On the contrary, those who had an economical (category A3) or popular (A/4) house will face higher fiscal and tax bills”, he explains Davide Stasihead of Aforisma Economic Observatory studies and expert in political economy at Unisalento.

«These are errors after errors, starting from completely wrong cost forecasts and inaccurate accounts. Although the cadastral change is not mandatory for everyone, it is for the majority of beneficiaries of the subsidized interventions. In many cases, in fact, the value of the property has increased by at least 15 percent. But where the cadastral income is higher – this is the case of villas and cottages – you could get away with it. Thus, we arrive at the paradox that, with the same expenditure financed by the State, those who had a high cadastral income should not now proceed with the change, as the ratio between the expenditure for the improvements and the original values ​​could be less than 15 percent. The calculation to determine the increase in value is not simple, but it is possible, provided that certain coefficients are taken into consideration, the total expenditure that weighs on public accounts, but above all the ratio between the improvements made to the building compared to the reported fiscal value to the period 1988-89″.

Just a few days ago, during the hearing of the Budget Committees of the Chamber and Senate on the Structural Budget Plan, the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti announced a check on the implementation of this provision introduced with the 2024 Budget Law, approved at the end December 2023. In essence, the aim is to review the cadastral values ​​of the properties made more efficient with the Superbonus. In paragraphs 86 and 87, it is stated that the Revenue Agency must verify the presentation of the “declarations of changes in the state of the assets, also for the purposes of any effects on the income of the property present in the documents of the buildings register”.

In short, «the continuous regulatory changes to the detriment of families and businesses were not enough – continues Stasi – The companies’ tax drawers full of tax credits still stranded were not enough. The legal disputes and disputes that arose between owners, construction companies and supplier companies were not enough. Now there is this other piece to complicate the puzzle even more.

It should be remembered that the revision is normally necessary when the number of rooms is increased or planimetric changes are made, such as the construction of new spaces, a significant redistribution of internal spaces, internal changes or changes in the intended use of rooms or which affect the consistency or cadastral class. Furthermore – adds the data analyst – even if energy efficiency interventions have been carried out, with or without a discount on the invoice, a review is necessary. The regulatory reference is to be found in circulars 10/2005 and 1/2006 of the Land Agency and in the Determination of 16 February 2005 which identifies 15 percent as the incremental threshold for the value of the property. The estimate of the increase which is based on the ratio between the expenses for the improvements and the original values ​​must be made, case by case, based on the type of interventions. More families, but to be honest not many families, were able to take advantage of the Superbonus promoted by the Conte Government, then remodeled by the subsequent ones (Draghi and Meloni), installing new systems with the same purpose. But now there are those who will have to pay more and those less, despite having benefited from the same amount of tax credit.”

From 1 July 2020, the Superbonus has financed 27,510 practices until 31 August 2024, for a total of 5.7 billion euros invested, of which 5.6 billion are deductible only in Puglia. In detail, 5,010 condominiums, 18,174 single-family buildings and 4,326 functionally independent real estate units. For a total of 27,510 buildings.

On average, around 80 percent of the properties renovated with the Superbonus have made the “jump” of at least three energy classes, of which 66 percent of four or more classes, while the law only required the jump of at least two classes .

It is estimated that the average increase in market value was 25 percent. Therefore, with a jump of three classes, it is very likely that the 15 percent limit has been exceeded. In practice, three out of four properties covered by the Superbonus must adjust the cadastral income.

But will this increased spending and all the resulting bureaucratic burdens discourage property owners towards the ecological transition and domestic innovation that the European Union instead intends to encourage?

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