ROME – It will be late the government rewrites the decree on the superbonus providing for the return of the discount on the invoice for the areas affected by the earthquake in 2009 and 2016, L’Aquila and the crater of the Middle Apennines. The mayor of Amatrice, Giorgio Cortellesi, breathe after a day of fury. “I’m happy,” she says, “a hastily issued decree has been revised. The reconstruction sites, starting from ours and those of the municipalities still in the red zone, continue to work.”
Superbonus, it’s already reversed. The government corrects the decree to save construction sites from earthquakes
by Giuseppe Colombo

Mayor, last night the government forecast 400 million in spending for the state and the return of the discount on invoices for the earthquake-hit areas.
“That’s right, the decree passed by the Council of Ministers was disconcerting, devoid of any common sense. For our area, 200 million are needed for private reconstruction, the correction accepts our indications”.
Were you ready to go to Rome?
“Yes, I was in contact with the most exposed mayors. Removing the transfer of credit would have meant blocking everything.”
At what stage is the reconstruction after the three devastating earthquakes in the summer and autumn of 2016?
“In eight years the most affected areas, on average, have rebuilt 35 percent.”
“In the historic center the only construction site completed is that of the Civic Tower. Another six works have started and ten are about to start.”
What would have happened with the Superbonus Decree?
“Everything would have stopped, as already happened with Covid and even before that with the increase in raw materials prices”.
Wouldn’t the contribution paid for the earthquake have been enough?
“The growth in iron and energy costs have made financing insufficient. The invoice discount is necessary, without the construction companies that have returned to work in this portion of Lazio, Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo they would have fled again.”
What remains of the Superbonus. State, net cost of over 90 billion. Deficit exceeded: construction weighs on growth
edited by the Italian Public Accounts Observatory

Why again?
“Because the decrees against post-earthquake reconstruction were different. The 110 percent bonus wanted by the Conte government made construction in the earthquake crater uneconomical compared to the earning potential of renovations in the rest of Italy. We were therefore affected by the increases in materials, by the long Covid shutdown for the two-year period, by inflation. Let’s move forward in leaps and bounds.”
#Superbonus #mayor #Amatrice #choice #works
– 2024-03-29 09:55:09