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Superbonus, other cases of owners “abandoned” by the companies entrusted with the work

If on the one hand the 110% superbonus has been very successful – especially in Veneto – allowing to renovate houses and condominiums almost for free, on the other hand problematic situations continue to emerge, often due to the upheavals taking place in the construction sector. About twenty cases are currently being followed by the Adico association of Mestre, half relating to clients from Mestre and the other half to members from the rest of the province. For everyone, Adico reports, the problem is the same: the company with which they signed the contract for the restructuring pulls back, citing the changes in market conditions that would make it impossible to continue (or start) the intervention.

“This does not surprise us – says the president of the association, Carlo Garofolini – on the contrary, we think that in the next two months the situation will be even more tangled and complex”. The distortions to which the super bonus has led, combined with other economic situations, are known: difficulties in finding materials, soaring prices, companies of dubious reliability that have sprung up like mushrooms. According to Adico, the practices opened in recent days all concern clients who have requested intervention in individual homes, for which the law requires 30% of the work to be completed by June. However, many companies are communicating to customers that they are unable to continue or comply with the deadlines. And so the owners of the houses (who may have already paid the deposit) find themselves forced to abandon their real estate project. «We can understand the difficulties of the companies – continues Garofolini – even if all this falls within the so-called business risk. However, it is not tolerable that the customers pay the price ». Adico is asking (and, in some cases, has already obtained) the return of the deposits.

To draw up a balance sheet of the use of the superbonus is the CGIA of Mestre, which in Veneto counted about 14 thousand sworn statements filed (as of January 31st) for a cost of about 2 billion euros. If we take into account that there are about one million residential buildings in the region, Cgia estimates that the measure has affected only 1.3 percent of them so far. Moreover, it should be considered that Veneto is the highest percentage of all Italy. Furthermore, the advantages have mostly affected wealthy people, with a medium-high level of education and with properties located in the centers of large cities: the measure, therefore, would be strongly biased in favor of the rich. Ultimately, according to Cgia, the superbonus “despite having the merit of having relaunched construction, bringing out the black and improving the quality of our homes, must be criticized because it presents a frightening cost and not proportional to the number of buildings that come be more efficient “. The solution would be to lower the expense deductibility threshold as soon as possible, bringing it to 60-70%.

The mechanism, as mentioned, also had the consequence of triggering an inflation bubble, also fueled by the sharp increase in prices recorded in the last year by all raw materials. In the face of a boom in demand (which by law must be satisfied within a certain period of time), the superbonus has helped to boost the prices of materials such as iron, steel, wood, sand, bricks, bitumen, concrete, etc. Others are almost impossible to find: rock wool, polystyrene, scaffolding.

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