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Superbonus 110%, the documents to be presented in the Municipality

The list of documents to be presented to renovate a house for free with the 110% super bonus is very long. Many are struggling with a bureaucracy that demands well 38 (or 36 if you are direct owners) documents to every private citizen to obtain the credit assignment.

Superbonus 110%, permits to be presented to the Municipality

And then there are the permits to be presented to the Municipality in order to kick off the works, such as the which, that is the sworn commencement notice, and the Wake, i.e. the certified notification of the start of business. Permission to build may also be requested when there is a need to carry out demolition and renovation of the building.

When you don’t need to ask for permits from the Municipality

On the other hand, it will not be necessary to ask the Municipality for permits in case of ordinary maintenance work or when you intend to do some of the interventions that give the right to superbonus del 110%, such as the replacement of the heat generator and the adaptation of the heating system without building works. Furthermore, no authorization for the replacement of fixtures.

Superbonus 110%, what is Cila and when it must be requested

La Cila, or the communication of commencement of works sworn, can be requested for works that do not need formal authorization from the Municipality but are among those of minor extraordinary maintenance and for which a certification by a qualified technician is required on compliance with the regulations in force and of those that concern the rule of art.

The Cila is necessary for building works inside or outside the building, such as the subdivision of rooms with non-load-bearing walls, the modification of a frame or the construction of a false ceiling. But also the reconstruction of the electrical or heating system, for which it is necessary to attach the projects to the Cila.

Superbonus 110%, what is Scia and when it must be requested

The Wake, the certified signaling of the start of activity, is required for interventions that affect the structural parts of the building. It provides for the asseveration by the construction manager about the technical elements used in the existing part of the building and in those that will be built.

Superbonus 110%, which works are part of free construction

It should be remembered that some interventions for which you are entitled to the superbonus fall within thefree building and, therefore, do not need any authorization from the Municipality. This is the case, for example, of the installation of air-to-air heat pumps with a power of less than 12 kW or solar or photovoltaic panels outside of zone A.

Superbonus, the 38 documents to be produced

There are 38 (or 36 if you are direct owners) the documents that the private citizen must present to the credit institution to obtain the assignment of the bonus:

  1. document certifying ownership of the property, that is title of possession / possession of the property (and here too it varies from a single document to three documents…). But it depends on who wants to do it, that is:
    • if it is the owner, naked owner or holder of a right in rem of enjoyment such as usufruct, use, dwelling or surface, the certificate issued by the public real estate registers is required;
    • I know holder (lessee, borrower), both the registered lease / loan agreement and the owner’s declaration of consent are required;
    • I know cohabitant family member of the owner / holder serve: certificate of the registry (for cohabitation) title of possession (real estate certificate or registered contract); declaration of consent from the owner;
    • if separate spouse assignee of the property in the name of the other spouse, the following are required: documentation certifying the assignment; title of possession (real estate certificate); declaration of consent from the owner;
    • if de facto cohabitant of the owner / holder you need: certificate of the registry office (for cohabitation); title of possession (real estate certificate or registered contract); declaration of consent from the owner;
    • if the future buyer with a duly registered preliminary sale, the following are required: preliminary registered from which the entry into possession is deduced (for example the contextual loan); declaration of consent by the owner.
  2. substitutive declaration of affidavit with which it is declared that the expenses incurred / to be incurred for facilitated works are / will be at your own expense;
  3. substitutive declaration of affidavit with which it is declared that the immobile is not held in the context of a business or professional activity (not applicable to earthquake and eco-bonus);
  4. in the case of non-owners and holders of real rights, documentation certifying the possession of income in the year in which the eligible expenses are incurred such as employment contract, monthly paycheck, pension, issued invoices, financial income;
  5. further substitutive declaration notary deed for obtaining and producing, upon request, all the documentation necessary for the purposes of transferring the tax credit as required by the Relaunch decree;
  6. building title (if provided) the self-certification of start / end of works;
  7. technical documents, divided in:
    • work start:
      1. customer self-declaration certifying whether he has benefited from bonuses for similar interventions in the last 10 years;
      2. cadastral survey;
      3. Ape initial state;
      4. preventive analysis and feasibility (jump 2 classes);
      5. technical report pursuant to law 10/1991;
      6. declaration of building and urban planning compliance;
      7. building practice;
      8. prospectuses in dwg;
      9. estimates and / or metric calculations;
      10. data and transmittance of replaced windows;
      11. photographic documentation of the intervention;
      12. new windows certifications;
      13. new blackout data and certificates;
      14. technical data sheets of purchased materials and declaration of correct installation;
    • work progress after at least 30%:
      1. communication start of works;
      2. estimates and / or metric calculations;
      3. SAL invoices and metric calculations of realized quantities;
      4. photographic documentation and Sal;
      5. sworn form attached 2 paragraph 13 of the article;
      6. description of the intervention;
      7. electronic receipt with the identification code of the application;
    • end of works:
      1. estimates and / or metric calculations;
      2. declaration of completion of works;
      3. Ape final state;
      4. invoices and metric calculations of quantities made;
      5. photographic documentation at the end of the works;
      6. sworn form attached 1 paragraph 13 article 119 Dl 34/20
      7. SCA – certified notification of viability;
      8. description of the intervention;
      9. electronic receipt with the identification code of the application.

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