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Super Gaby Games, the antiquarian of geek culture

December 19, 2020


Passionate about video games and pop culture, Mustafa Al-Darwich left the banking sector to open Super Gaby Games, a store specializing in geek culture. Carried by his family, he does not intend to stop there.

Welcome to “Tonton Gaby”. From floor to ceiling, cellar to attic, consoles, video game covers and minifigures pile up, the gazes of Pikachu, Mario and Zelda meet and, at the counter, a warm voice greets you. This voice is that of Mustafa Al-Darwish. This passionate thirty-something decided four years ago to leave a comfortable career in the banking sector to open Super Gaby Games, a store specializing in video games and pop culture.

It must be said that Super Gaby Games is not a store like the others. In fact, it would be fairer to speak ofpermanent exhibition where everything is for sale. Like an antique dealer, Mustafa Al-Darwich travels the planet and searches for everything that is best and rare in the geek culture of the present and past century. His passion among his passions is retro-gaming, this movement which devotes a cult to the world of video games of the 80s and 90s and which is aimed at both an informed and curious public, eager to embark on this gaming machine. go back in time.

Video game, figurines and food

The concept of Super Gaby Games is simple: bring together, in one place, the elements that have made up the video game culture of the last forty years. And inevitably, it takes up space. “This store is the product of the passion that drives me since I was little: the expanded universe of video games. We are talking here about consoles and games of course, but also figurines and everything related to this culture” , explains Mustafa Al-Darwish. “As a child, I spent a lot of time in the markets buying and selling these items and it never left me,” he continues.

In addition to old and new consoles and games, Super Gaby Games specializes in the sale of sweets and drinks not found elsewhere in Belgium. We are talking mainly about Japanese and American imports here. But more specific still, Mustafa Al-Darwish has become one of the exclusive resellers of Funko figures, this American brand that manufactures dolls with the effigy of characters from films, series, video games and (many) others, according to a characteristic style. A true phenomenon among collectors of all ages, Funko figurines have become a worldwide success and the rarest editions are snapping up at high prices. The strength of Mustafa Al-Darwich is to have succeeded in negotiating several exclusives with the American firm to the point of becoming a key reseller in Belgium.

“I would say 40% of the store’s revenue comes from action figure sales but it’s a very seasonal business, heavily reliant on releases. Funko releases a lot of new models every year, it’s very hard to keep up with them. There are more than 15,000 references in their catalog and we offer around 1,500 in store, “explains the boss. Another third of income comes directly from the sale of old consoles and games. New products, sweets and drinks and other derivative products complete the picture.

According to the boss, the key to success in the industry is legitimacy. “There is nothing to do, knowing it is the basis for being legitimate in this environment. You have to know your product before you know your customer. Then, you have to listen. Thanks to these two elements, we are in a position to retain this demanding and niche clientele, ”he summarizes.

Growth and diversification in the lead

Mustafa Al-Darwich has therefore managed to differentiate itself in an extremely competitive sector where the margins are as thick as a razor blade. A business model that will also have enabled the store to withstand the health crisis and successive confinements as best they can.. “We have been here (Rue du Prince Royal 9 in Ixelles, NDLR) since August 2019 but before that we had opened a pop-up store in Etterbeek to test our concept. The Covid-19 therefore arrived in the middle of a period key for us and it was imperative to adapt to it. We had to find solutions with what we had on hand while continuing to offer great merchandise and staying close to our community. It was very difficult, chaotic even “, evokes Mustafa Al-Darwish.

“We lived the first months of confinement by making a lot of deliveries, by accentuating online sales and our presence on social networks. Then, the deconfinement of May arrived and we multiplied our sales by 2. This is where our activity really started to take off, “he adds. Naturally, since then, the second confinement has gone through there but without limiting the inclinations of the young boss. Today, the The approach of the holiday season is boosting sales and concrete projects are taking shape for next year. “We are only at the start of our activity. It is not Silicon Valley, Mark Zuckerberg has not yet come to visit our premises, but we are doing well. The store is profitable, even profitable, and the time has come for us to invest again “, rejoices Mustafa Al-Darwish.

Also, from January 2021, an arcade called Supercade will open its doors to the curious and purists in front of the store. The Super Gaby Games website will also be overhauled. For the future, Mustafa Al-Darwich hopes to replicate his model and multiply the points of sale in the territory.

A very chosen succession

But all this, Mustafa Al-Darwish readily admits, would not have been possible without unwavering family support. “The idea for Super Gaby Games was initiated when my son, Gabriel, was born in 2017. He is my source of inspiration. And we did it all as a family. My wife in particular is a constant support for me “, evokes the man.

On his website, his son Gabriel is also presented as “future CEO”. The involvement of the small family is also very visible on the social networks maintained by the store team. Another strong point of Super Gaby Games and a real link for the community, the Facebook and Instagram profiles of the business are constantly fed with content featuring the little family, evolving in the middle of this true museum of geek culture.

After 10 years in banking, Mustafa Al-Darwich has today managed to unite his passions: the economy, his family and video games in one place, to the delight of an ever-growing community of gamers and collectors.

In addition to retro-gaming, Mustafa Al-Darwish specializes in the sale of Funko figurines, this American brand that has become a real phenomenon for collectors.
© saskia vanderstichele

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