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Super funny podcast makes fun of gamers and they got everything

These good guys have a lot to say about video games.

Cueva Todóloga.- A small group of whitexicans they began to criticize in their podcast the gamers, and it seems that finally someone heard them.

We don’t know when his “program” was about talking about video games, and above all, about the people they like; but that was the central theme of the heated expositions of him taking advantage of the universality of the internet.

During their homogeneous postures, the “good guys” begin to tell their “experiences” of people who, even as adults, continue to play video games, perhaps believing that the games are still seen as Super Mario 3 or “the ducks”.

“I know many people who connect and for streaming and they have friends…”, that was one of the members of the Podcast when the other one, the one who looks nicer interrupted her saying:

“She’s so booby, goey! They play Xbox as a rat boy… ”, another girl interrupts as she struggles to keep her eye sockets in her sockets.

The spiel of these todologists continues in the same direction, while they vaguely mention some games that they know well what they are about but that they mention as if it were something “far” from them.

“My brother-in-law who is going to meet… literally asked for an Xbox”, adds the young woman who has never wasted time on video games to study the correct use of the word “literal”.

Such was the fun that they were put on the networks, that the girl with some unresolved issue with Pac-Man came out to give another video where she “asks for respect”, as if to complete the comic actor:

Imagine having a podcast and taking advantage of it like this

“Ah, the classic awareness campaign against “reverse discrimination” after it was founded”, “Why do people bother that other people have hobbies or in general likes?”, “Don’t tell me anymore nothing, you have to have respect “*Proceed to not respect”, were some of the comments that can be read on the networks regarding its broadcast that for the first (and only) time in history had more than 10 reproductions other than the from their family and close friends.

To close this note and with the hope that the members of the Podcastgood people are waiting for video games to come out Fallen Order: Jedi Survival y Zelda: Tears of the Kindgom, while fully attending to adult obligations.

In case you didn’t see it: a girl received a keychain that she had ordered on AliExpress… 5 years after she bought it!

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