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Sunny weather awaits New York on Saturday | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

in the qr code on the screenfacing the economic crisis.íctor: we return with jeúsópez, of the guardians of thetime for you to tell uswhen are we going to see raininstead of wings.jeús: instability arrivesfor our area.would be ending the end ofweek.so we have about 32 hourswith stable weather.spectacular.if you’re going out to dinner, get dresseda coat.temperatures are going tokeep at 30°.in the state area we cansee those weather conditions.partly cloudy fornewark, 35°.freezing, 32°.at 8:00 at night 35 °.at 9:00 p.m. 35too.if you’re going out, take acoat and gloves.in the next few hours we willsee some instability.Spectacular Saturday, weatherMainly sunny.12:00 at night we have alittle instability in theatlantic, but that comes forour area.in the early hours of Sunday,10:00 in the morning alreadywe have that constant rain.in the state area we cansee heavy showersalso impact the areametropolitan.continued the path ofwe have enough for mondayinstability, sinceapproximate another low pressure. Eastis the possible cumulative, twoécimas to centralpark, less than a 10 to jfk.How does your abode look?spectacular conditions,temperature at 29° in thetomorrow, then go up to 42.a nice sunny afternoonto go to central park, yeswants to have a picnic.for the night, temperature of43.the wind will blow from thesouth and increases to woolcloudinessin the morning we have thatrain hitting for himsunday, temperature 69maximum, almost 70 for Mondayquite rough, sinceThat wind is coming from the south.after passing the systemfront, good temperaturehigh at 48° for Tuesday,47 for Wednesday.

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