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Sunny and clear skies, the weather forecast for Wednesday morning in New York City | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

effective.rafael: we will pass immediatelywith our meteorologistlucrecia of the guardians of thetime with weather and traffic in“upon awakening”.lucrecia: these segmentsbark and pure water ofspring here in univison 41.today’s day a wednesdayrather quiet, thiswould court a highpressure system that is installedon the tri-state area andbe responsible for 3thing, temperature aboveof the normal average for thistime of year. the secondcompletely dry conditionsand the third we are going to havein his may although some of themclouds that are going to form inafternoon hours, we seeclear conditions, the onlyindication of precipitation thatcould reach our areawas scheduled for Thursday atof the early morning, it is a systemvery eimerous and very stable because of thewhich it is likely that neithereven have the strengthenough to causerain our region.queens, good morning,temperaturesbetween 29, some thatreach up to 31 in the areacrown area, so if thestands up with us in thisarea, nice conditions andis completely clear

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