Home » today » Health » Sunlight in Russia is insufficient for vitamin D maintenance; fatty fish and supplements are recommended.

Sunlight in Russia is insufficient for vitamin D maintenance; fatty fish and supplements are recommended.

April 7 – VOICE. In some regions of our vast country, the sun is really able to make up for vitamin D deficiency, but in most of Russia it does not have the necessary activity.

On the air of Radio 1, nutritionist Alexandra Razarenova said that for strong bones, nerves and immunity, it is important to monitor the content of vitamin D in the body.

“The sun is able to maintain vitamin D, but it does not have such activity in Moscow. Even in hot weather, if a person has a deficiency of this element, the sun will not help to the extent that the body needs, ”added the expert.

She noted that the lack of this substance can be filled with fatty fish such as salmon, catfish, mackerel, sardine and tuna, as well as with the help of fish caviar, egg yolk and milk. To replenish vitamin D, you can take dietary supplements, but for this you need to pass tests that confirm their need for the body.

Previously, GLASS reported that vitamin D is not found in fruits, but is found in mushrooms, eggs and yogurt.

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