Home » World » Sunday’s step: The revelation about the 107 convicted uniformed men – 2024-04-08 20:01:21

Sunday’s step: The revelation about the 107 convicted uniformed men – 2024-04-08 20:01:21

“BIMA tis Kyriakis” reveals data from the Hellenic Socialist Party, according to which 107 police officers who have committed serious criminal offences, have convictions and have been disciplinary requested to be removed from the police force, remain today in the police force, serving or being active within the police due to procedural pending matters.

The police officers in question who have been unfavorably transferred to regional A.T. they are called upon to deal with critical issues for the safety of citizens, but due to their detachment and unfavorable treatment, they do not adequately respond to their duties.

About 150 police officers are estimated to have been arrested or charged with serious offences, most of whom are still serving on the force pending trial.

At the same time, “BHIMA tis Kyriaki” proceeds with revelations about the gaps in the police force.

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