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Sunday Vaccine day also in Modena. Administered to 150 doctors, nurses and Oss in Baggiovara

Everything is ready in Emilia-Romagna for the Vaccine Day: Sunday 27 December, as established on a national level, the first doses of Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine (9,750 for the start up throughout Italy) will be administered throughout the territory from Piacenza to Rimini, a 975 regional health professionals among doctors, nurses, socio-health workers.

On Sunday doctors and nurses will be vaccinated, with precedence to vaccinators who will be at the forefront of this campaign. The organization of the day is the responsibility of the individual companies, with the supervision of the regional department of health policies.

A Modena 150 people will be doctors, nurses, social health workers who will be vaccinated in the special area that will be at the hospital in Baggiovara.

“We moved very quickly – underline the President of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, and the regional councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini– to be ready on December 27, a day that we can define as truly historic. The very first to be vaccinated, almost a thousand in Emilia-Romagna, will be doctors, nurses, social and health workers of health facilities, those who have been at the forefront of the fight against the virus for months now. We have worked together with the Health Authorities, whom we thank for their collaboration and the prompt response provided, to put in place a complex organization, to say the least, which will allow us to start the path to exit the pandemic. December 27 will be a day that is as long awaited as it is important, and we are sure that everything will be for the best “.

From Piacenza to Rimini, the places of Vaccine Day
In Emilia-Romagna each company has already prepared the exact place, within the health facilities present in the area of ​​competence, where vaccinations will be administered on the 27th. Piacenza chose the Analysis laboratory of the hospital; Parma will vaccinate at the Maggiore Hospital; Reggio Emilia in the premises offormer Spallanzani hospital; a Modena the administration will take place in the area of rehabilitation of the hospital of Baggiovara. A Bologna vaccinations will be administered at theBus station and to Casa di Residenza Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro mentre a Imola Vaccine Day will take place in Medical Centre of the Autodrome, inaugurated at the end of last October; to Ferrara the identified place is theSant’Anna di Cona Hospital while for Romagna the centers identified are Pala De Andrè a Ravenna, the Rimini Exhibition Center e Cesena Fair.

Regarding i vaccinatori who will serve next Sunday, there is no “typical team” – as there will be in the actual vaccination campaign – but it is at the discretion of the company organization. Moreover, all the companies have already identified and sent to the Ministry of Health the names of doctors and nurses who will vaccinate their colleagues on the 27th.

Vaccine Day, the numbers by company
An “army” of approx 180 thousand professionals, from Piacenza to Rimini, between those who work in health care (92 thousand 600 employees) and those in facilities for the elderly and disabled (84 thousand 600 people): this is the first segment of the population which, as the Ministry of Health has foreseen on the basis of first quota of vaccine assigned, will be vaccinated. Sunday 27 December we will start with the first 975 health workers (starting with those who will then have to carry out vaccinations on their colleagues) distributed as follows:

  • 50 a Piacenza,
  • 100 a Parma,
  • 100 a Reggio Emilia,
  • 150 a Modena,
  • 225 (+50 for a CRA)
  • Bologna (including the staff of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes),
  • 25 a Imola,
  • 50 a Ferrara e
  • 225 in the territory of the Ausl della Romagna.

A control room for every healthcare company
Each health company has one control room for the organization of vaccination. In the territories where there are also Irccs and hospital-university companies, it will be defined a single control room. Coordinated by the Health Directorate, and composed of a doctor from the Health Directorate (who will play the role of referent with the Region), a public health doctor, a primary care doctor, a head of the Welfare Department, a head of the Social Activities Directorate health care, a pharmacist (head of the hub that will contain the vaccine doses), a contact person for the ICT Service, a competent company doctor, a contact person for Civil Protection, a contact person from the Provincial Medical Association.

Vaccines: departure from Belgium and arrival in Italy, here is the calendar
The vaccine doses for Italy will start from Belgium on Thursday 24 December; they will be delivered directly by Pfizer in a single national point, in Rome, to IRCCS Lazzaro Spallanzani, on December 26, to be then distributed among the Regions and public administrations by the Armed Forces. The doses will be distributed in Cryo – box, inside bags, to maintain the temperature of 2-8 °. The bags will be picked up by the Army at Spallanzani and, by various means (road, air), transported to the 20 points of administration identified, on the morning of December 27 to allow the start of Vaccine Day. The starting time for the vaccination in Emilia-Romagna, which will be the same for all companies, will be defined in the coming days.

The English variant of the Coronavirus, the Region already in the field
As for the English variant of the virus, the Emilia-Romagna Region immediately activated its laboratories testing those who returned yesterday from England. As established by the ministerial order issued yesterday, people who are in the national territory and who in the fourteen days prior to the ministerial provisions have stayed or passed through the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, even if asymptomatic, are obliged to immediately communicate their entry into Italy to the Prevention Department of the competent local health authority and to undergo molecular or antigen tests.

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