“We have entrusted Saint Joseph as the protector of the Holy Church. Joseph, who protected the family and the childhood life of Jesus, seeks the help of the Holy Church to care for the family. Even when he heard the most shocking news, Joseph completely relied on God. Without God’s strength, Joseph could not have followed God’s instructions with courage. Meditate on Joseph’s faith if you are overcome with depression. If anxiety grips you, meditate on Joseph’s hope. If you are gripped by rage and hatred, meditate on the love of Joseph.”
Pope Benedict XVI’s homily in Cameroon, 19 March 2009
The Sixth Lamentation: The Return from Egypt (Matthew 2:22)
The Sixth Joy: The Sojourn in Nazareth with Jesus and Mary. (Luke 2:39)
If we want to learn to obey without question like Joseph, we need that much faith. Aren’t we in a time where no one likes to obey anyone? Joseph also tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice. God gave instructions to return from Egypt. This suggestion comes while slowly building a life in that strange country. Scholars generally hold that he stayed in Egypt for more than two years. Anyway, off to the next trip.
Pope Benedict interprets this journey from Egypt to Israel as the exodus of the New Testament. On the way back to Bethlehem, the next suggestion is made: Herod’s son, Archalevos, will rule in Jerusalem. Therefore, go to Galilee and stay in Nazareth. The fourth stage is receiving instructions through dreams. That journey returned to Nazareth. While living there, the Savior received the name Nazarene.
Two things are clear: Joseph is not presenting us with an all-clear spiritual path. Rather, it is a spirituality that teaches us to accept God’s instructions even if we do not fully understand them (Pope Francis, With a Fatherly Heart, 4). He who gave the test will also give mockery! God, I don’t understand many things; However, this is the spirituality that says I obey you.
Second, if Jesus is with you, there is no need for other navigation, no getting lost. Even if we slip, He will bring us back to the right place, for sure. But it takes ‘creative courage’ to believe this (Pope Francis). Who is not surprised that Joseph becomes the miracle that saves the Son of God and the Mother of God!