Former Treasury Secretary Summers has warned of “ominous” signs that the United States is losing its international influence. He said he has the support of countries and regions that have not yet established their positions, with multiple powers outside the United States banding together.
“There’s a growing acceptance of division, and what’s worse, there’s a growing awareness that our camp isn’t the best fit,” Summers said on Bloomberg Television. He gave the interview on the sidelines of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington.
At this year’s Spring Meetings, warned of global economic fragmentation as the United States and other developed nations seek to restructure supply chains away from strategic competitors, including China.main themewas.
Mr. Summers said he was told by someone in a developing country: “From China you get airports. From America you get lectures.”
Summers warns of ‘ominous’ signs of US losing international influence
Source: Bloomberg
Brazilian President Lula visited China during the IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings. It highlights the close relationship between Brazil, the 12th largest economy in the world, and China.
The meeting was preceded by OPEC Plus, which consists of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and major non-member oil producers.Decided to reduce production by surprise. Cuts in production by OPEC+, which includes Saudi Arabia and Russia, will make it difficult for developed countries and regions such as the United States and the eurozone to try to curb inflation.
In the Middle East, China recently brokered a reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Summers said deepening ties between the Middle East, Russia and China were “symbolic of what I see as a big challenge for the United States.”
“We are on the right side of history, with our commitment to democracy and our resistance to Russian aggression,” said Harvard University professor and Bloomberg Television regular. “But the right side looks a little lonely. More and more forces that don’t seem to be on the right side of history are uniting in different structures.”
news-rsf-original-reference paywall">Original title:Summers Warns US Getting ‘Lonely’ as Other Powers Band Together(excerpt)