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Summer with camps | Radio Medina

122 young people from the province between the ages of 8 and 17 will be able to participate in the Sports Camps organized by the Youth and Sports Service of the Valladolid Provincial Council.

The Sports Camps are aimed at registered children in municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants, with those with more than 20,000 inhabitants becoming part of a waiting list in case there are vacancies left. In addition 10% of the places will be reserved for children belonging to family units who are in any of the following cases: be recipients of guaranteed citizenship income On the date of submission of the application, having been recipients of some Social Emergency Aid during the year 2018 or being receiving active intervention of the family support program of the Valladolid Provincial Council.

There are two modes of activity; the Sports Camps program, for children from 8 to 14 years old, It is divided into four shifts with a maximum number of places for each one of 20 participants. The price of the camp is 30 euros and does not include overnight stays or meals. The camp includes: swimming pool, workshops, great games, visits to monuments and places of interest, etc … and takes place from Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm.

The Camino de Santiago camp, for young people from 14 to 17 years old, has a price of 100 euros and includes overnight stays in private hostels, workshops, visits to monuments and places of interest found on the route and sports activities.

The registration period ends on May 10 and the application form must be sent to the Youth and Sports Service or electronically at the virtual window of the Valladolid Provincial Council www.ventanilla.diputaciondevalladolid.es

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