There are a total of 19 venues that offer 23 premieres from mid-June to mid-September – from opera and plays to musicals and operettas for adults and children. Chairwoman Kristina Sprenger is looking forward to a good time together: “After all, summer, sun and theater are a perfect trio that can nowhere be combined as finely as in our state, and of course in my beautiful Berndorf here in the Vienna Woods”.
Berndorf stage is one of the highlights
As the festival director of the Berndorf stage, Sprenger also knows what’s on offer to get you in the mood for summer. The comedy “Funny Money” or the crime thriller “Small Marriage Crimes” are certainly among the highlights here. But all the other venues are already in the starting blocks to give the guests wonderful evenings. “Come, we look forward to your visit!”
With the municipal theater and the summer arena with productions such as “The Count of Luxembourg” or “Spring Parade”, Baden is not only a magnet for operetta fans, “Cabaret” and “Odysseus” will also delight all musical lovers this summer. And cabarets, readings and music from Voodoo Jürgens to Ernst Molden are also trending with stadt.kultur in the spa town.
Baden: 1,500 photo motifs in public spaces
“But culture has many other facets to offer,” says Baden’s festival director Louis Lammerhuber of “La Gacilly Baden Photo”, the largest open-air exhibition in the field of photography. This year, the “Orient” is the connecting bracket of the 1,500 photo motifs shown in public space over a distance of around 7 km, some of which are up to 280 m2 in size. The focus this year is once again on sustainability and the nature of the earth.
Festival La Gacilly Baden Photo 2023 Orangery in Doblhoffpark Baden near Vienna.
Lois Lammerhuber_Stephan Gladieu
“In addition to the pictures that were recently delivered directly from La Gacilly to Baden, Gregor Schörg will show the second part of his work about the Dürrenstein-Lassingtal wilderness area and the work of Lower Austrian professional photographers will be a focus. A photographic highlight is the commissioned work for Cathrine Stukhard, who visited the World Heritage Site of Vichy and placed it in the context of UNESCO’s eleven ‘Great Spa Towns of Europe’, which also includes Baden. Under the guiding principle of Culture of Solidarity, the cooperation with the festival partners Garden Tulln, Celje in Slovenia and Month of Photography Bratislava will also be continued in 2023,” Lammerhuber arouses curiosity.
Colorful program also away from the spa town
But there is also a lot on offer in this summer of culture away from the spa town – for example with the “Schwimmenden Salon” in Bad Vöslau, which will again feature top-class names in the program for quickly sold-out summer evenings, or this year’s production of the “operklosterneuburg” in the middle of the romantic Stiftshof .

Thermalbad Vöslau.
Lower Austria Advertisement Romeo Felsenreich
Gumpoldskirchen also sets a special accent with the “Rebklang”, a top-class and completely newly designed series of events that combines music and cuisine at its finest in the castle on the picturesque church square.
“The Vienna Woods Summer of Culture shows that art and culture are particularly important in our region. Numerous accommodation establishments make it possible to combine the enjoyment of art with a relaxed atmosphere and to experience a short holiday that appeals to all the senses. Take a look at it!” enthuses Wienerwald Tourismus Managing Director Michael Wollinger.
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2023-06-11 22:49:38
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