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Summer centers bonus 2021 how many days of attendance covered, deadline eye

For the summer camp bonus 2021: how many days of attendance are covered? Pay attention to the deadline. Because this is set for July 15, 2021. The last day, therefore, to submit applications. And to then benefit from the bonus for the period from June to September 2021.

The bonus, which is equal to 100 euros per week, must relate to the expenditure incurred for attendance of their children at the summer campuses and equipped centers. But as long as the attendance period is between a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 20 days.

2021 summer camps bonus: how many days of attendance are covered? Beware of the tight deadline

Furthermore, the maximum 20 days of attendance at the summer centers can also be non-consecutive. In any case, the child’s age cannot be over 14 years old. The age limithowever, for the purposes of accessing the bonus for summer camps, it must not be respected for children with proven serious disabilities.

The application to request the bonus for summer camps is presented online, from the INPS website, with access via credentials. Or using the assistance and support of the patronages.

Summer camp bonuses for many but not all, that’s why

The bonus for the summer camps, however, is a ‘facilitation which is for many but not for all. As it is intended only for certain classes of workers. Specifically, to those registered exclusively in the separate INPS management and in the special managements. To self-employed workers registered with their respective professional funds, to workers in the health sector and, among others, to all workers engaged in various capacities in the management of the emergency for Covid.

From the workers of the public rescue to the workers of the defense sector, and up to the security officers. To access the INPS website with credentials, we remind you that an electronic identity card or device PIN is required. Or the CNS is fine too the SPID digital identity.

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