Home » today » Health » Summer brings risks of heatstroke and gastrointestinal/respiratory diseases. Prevent it by drinking lots of water and taking necessary precautions.

Summer brings risks of heatstroke and gastrointestinal/respiratory diseases. Prevent it by drinking lots of water and taking necessary precautions.

during“summer”Every year, not only the hot weather We often find getting sick more easily. Both the heat and the sun. Including getting sick from unclean drinking water and food. Due to the hot weather, food is easily spoiled. As a result, the disease gradually came to be seen. especially gastrointestinal diseases respiratory disease It’s a health hazard that you need to be careful about.

“Heatstroke” is a common illness in the summer.

“Sunstroke” or “heat stroke” (Heatstroke) is a dangerous disease that is common in the summer. caused by being in the midst of too much heat causing the body to have a higher than normal temperature When symptoms occur, they should be treated immediately. It can have serious effects on the heart, brain, kidneys and muscles. If treatment is delayed It can be life threatening.

Sunstroke or heat stroke
The symptoms of “heat stroke” are caused by the body being exposed to too much heat. The body temperature is higher than 40 degrees Celsius. The body can’t cool down. because there is a lot of water loss from the body through sweat Patients will experience depression, seizures, or organ cells malfunction.

“Heatstroke” or “heatstroke” is a dangerous disease that is common in the summer. Severe symptoms can lead to loss of consciousness or life threatening. If treatment is delayed

Warning signs that it might be heatstroke

  • Excessive sweating and no sweating
  • body very hot
  • fast breathing
  • stagger
  • red face
  • hallucinating

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How to notice the symptoms of “heat stroke” (Heat stroke) or heat stroke

  • steadily getting hotter Until causing body heat up to 40 degrees
  • no sweat feeling very thirsty
  • shortness of breath, rapid pulse
  • headache, dizziness, low blood pressure
  • weakness, nausea, vomiting

For those who are at higher risk than the general population, there are 6 groups.

  • People who work or do activities in the sun such as exercising
  • Young children and the elderly Because the body can not cool down as well as young people.
  • People with congenital diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure stroke
  • people who are overweight
  • those who do not get enough rest The bodies of obese people and those who do not get enough sleep respond to heat more slowly than usual.
  • people who drink alcohol The effect of alcohol will expand the capillaries under the skin more. Causing the body to lose more water and minerals than those who do not drink The alcohol will be absorbed into the blood stream quickly. and acts to stimulate the heart to pump blood faster and harder raise blood pressure The heart works hard to pump blood to the body. can cause shock and death

general risk group

  • Seniors 65 years and older
  • Children under 2 years old
  • sleepless person
  • little water drinker
  • have underlying diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol in the blood vessels, cancer, or people who have had an organ transplant

How do we avoid heat strokes?

  • drink lots of water especially water
  • if necessary, get out in the sun If there are symptoms, do not resist. especially the gardener profession or people who work in the sun
  • Do not leave children in the car in the sun.

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Good advice for people in health care.

  • wear light-colored clothing good heat dissipation Should be in a well ventilated place.
  • Avoid taking antihistamines or decongestants.
  • Reduce or avoid activities that require prolonged outdoor exertion.
  • Use sunscreen at SPF15 or higher. Wear sunglasses, open an umbrella, and wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Drink 2-3 liters of water per day or at least 6-8 glasses to compensate for the loss of body fluids from sweating.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages of any kind.
  • person who exercises Should be chosen in the morning or evening. because it was during the period when the weather was not very hot and it is the right time

If suspected of having an illness from hot weather First aid should be provided by drinking cold water and rinsing with cold water. Be in a good ventilation. If symptoms are severe or unconscious, they should be rushed to the hospital immediately.

For more information, please contact the Department of Disease Control hotline, Tel. 1422.

If the symptoms are very severe, have someone nearby call 1669 immediately.tv/uploads/images/contents/w1024/2023/04/a6mwCr9lBvGhKIrrVwZY.webp" type="image/webp"/>update

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