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Suma Nuevo León 609 cases of covid-19, reaches a figure of 9 thousand 174

Outbreaks of covid-19 continue to rise in Nuevo León, this Saturday they registered 609 new cases and 14 deaths caused by this virus.

The Secretary of Health, Manuel de la O Cavazos, reported that the cumulative incidence as of June 27 is 9 thousand 174 positive cases and 330 deaths.

He re-emphasized the importance of continuing to maintain preventive measures and only quit if necessary.

Of the total number of cases, 5 thousand 451 correspond to the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE) and 3,723 are the positive cases presented in hospitals and private laboratories.

As for the total number of tests, today there are 65 thousand 762 made in the state, of which 1,268 still remain as suspected cases.

It was detailed that hospitalizations are on the rise, This Saturday there are 626 people interned.

Monterrey still continues to be the municipality considered the epicenter of the pandemic, concentrating 2 thousand 427 cases.

Total 5 thousand 439 patients have been recovered.

Regarding deaths, they correspond to six women and eight men whose ages ranged from 26 to 82 years, the majority with comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity.

The younger victim this day is a 26 year old man, who had HIV.

Infrared thermometers are not harmful to health

The official asked citizens to cooperate with the measures that are being applied at the entrance of shops, public places and companies.

And he clarified that the Infrared thermometer that is used for this is not harmful to health.

“The infrared thermometer is not harmful, does not kill neurons, does not damage the retina, it is safe, so let them take the temperature at the entrance of various establishments,” said the doctor.

It also recommended that this measurement be directly on the forehead and avoid falling for fake news.

At the moment, he said that they have no knowledge of a covid outbreak at SAT facilities located in downtown Monterrey and at the airport, despite this He announced that the Undersecretariat for Regulation and Health Promotion will attend to supervise.

Although there is an increase in the level of hospital occupation, De la O Cavazos recalled that in New Lion work is being done on the conversion of hospitals for only covid patients and thus greater attention is being given to those who require it.

Currently, the entity has only the 40 percent hospital occupancy.

Although there is an increase in cases and hospitalizations, the official announced that do not plan to close economic activitiesBut he warned that if certain indicators are increased, certain activities will have to be suspended.

It is ruled out that herd immunity is given to the increase in cases.

He called for religious events such as communions and confirmations to be suspended until further notice and avoid taking children to churches, to avoid risking them.

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