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Sultan of Johor Urges Malaysia Total Lockdown

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The ruler of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar urged the government Malaysia apply lockdown total if the case Covid-19 in that country continues to soar.

Ibrahim released the statement, as the daily Covid-19 cases in Malaysia set another record with 7,478 infections on Wednesday (26/5). This figure is considered to be the highest daily case during the pandemic.

“More than 7,400 cases today. This is terrible and we need all of society to stay at home to break the chain of infection. The virus is spread through the association of people,” he said, quoting Channel News Asia.

“All levels must be disciplined so that all levels of society are committed to doing it lockdown in order to prevent the worst from happening to all of us, “said Ibrahim.

“The government must also consider lockdown in total, if the Covid-19 numbers show no signs of abating, “he said.

Said Ibrahim, lockdown it is like taking a bitter pill, rather than suffering constantly from the uncertainty caused by a pandemic.

Ibrahim also alluded to its importance lockdown in order to protect medical staff who are at the forefront of dealing with Covid-19.

“We can see for themselves their fatigue and depression, but they are assiduously sticking to their duties. Remember, Covid-19 is not the only disease they have to deal with,” he said.

Ibrahim claimed to have spoken with the director general of the Malaysian Ministry of Health Noor Hisham Abdullah and received an update on the latest Covid-19 developments.

“The emergence of a new variant is also frightening, and the virus is now also spreading into the air. If infections continue to increase, I am afraid more and more variants will emerge,” Ibrahim said, quoting Noor Hisham’s statement.

He also appealed to citizens to be well off to help those who are experiencing difficult times in any way.

Previously, the Malaysian government had imposed a national movement control (MCO) until June 7 as a step to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

However, some people feel frustrated that the economic sector is still operating.

Furthermore, 60 percent of workers in the private sector as well as 20 percent in the public sector are allowed to work in offices.

Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin warned that lockdown total, like MCO 1.0 in March 2020 almost crippling the economy.

“If we need to do it again (and issue economic assistance), we need more money. RM340 billion or around Rp1.175 trillion will not be enough because the impact is so severe. I will need half a trillion. But do we have half a trillion?” he said.

“We’ve learned over the past year, we can’t shut down the economy. We have to balance life and livelihoods.”

Muhyiddin doesn’t want his country’s economy to collapse to the point where people don’t have money to eat.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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