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Suggestive exchange hypothesis, would you do it?

Some sources of information speculate the exchange between Paulo Dybala and Paul Pogba, would you do it?



sergio.proietti.969 commented: Never in life … It doesn’t exist! DYBALA IS “PRESENT AND FUTURE CAPTAIN! STOP

ivan.martoni commented: No absolutely not, Dybala is the last champion who will remain when Ronaldo leaves (next year?). 7 m

gallantiivan commented: But even no paulo is our future if he has to give up to give Ronaldo cash, who, although a phenomenon with us at this moment is a fish out of water, we must refound everything

marcomolinario_montecarlo commented: @ daveblack.lp I absolutely agree. This idea would be simply BRILLIANT.

marcomolinario_montecarlo commented: When you have the one who was awarded the title of “best player in Serie A 2019 / ’20” and who among other things made you win the Scudetto when you wanted to sell it last summer, you keep it tight. Without ifs and buts 8 m

bordernapo commented: No … I would get rid of CR7 because I would get rid of his salary, of the million a month that Juve has to pay for his “poor” accommodation “and other ancillary costs !!! I would keep Dybala all my life !!

stefanomareblu commented: Absolutely not. I keep Dybala

poli47777 I don’t prefer the little one! for the midfield there are other solutions!

michele_boeri Of course you do !!! But so much dybala doesn’t go there.

an.sa718 Dybala the scanbierei with De bruyne …

francescolombardi4442MNOOOO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! Dybala is the essence of football, Pogba is a (albeit good) heated soup!

colomberoroberto So I see it a little differently … I start by saying I love both Dybala and Pogba but if it were up to me I wouldn’t do the exchange. for Isco and Assensio With these 2 hits the midfield would be more than perfect! Even if you give Dybala away. …..

try_to_open_your_eyes SI

tina.mast Nooooo

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