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Sugar-Free Apple Tart Recipe for a Figure-Friendly Dessert

In the cold season, the smell of baked apples and specific spices cannot be missing from the kitchen. We love apple desserts, but let’s not forget that they can be quite sinful with our figure. For this reason, we come to you with a sugar-free recipe, excellent in slimming belts, to satisfy your sweet tooth. Here’s what you need for a sugar-free apple tart, a great recipe that provides all the macronutrients your body needs without sabotaging your figure.

Ingredients for Apple Tart

200g oats 50g chia seeds a spoonful of agave syrup a dash of vanilla essence 50g butter 1/2 sachet of baking powder 200ml milk 2 large eggs 2-3 large apples

Method of preparation

Put all the ingredients (except the apples) in a blender and mix until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Grease a round pan with a little butter or oil, then spread the mixture well until it takes the shape of the pan. Cut the apples into cubes or slices and place them on the top already laid out in the tray. You can use any fruit you want, but the ideal is to opt for those specific to the cold season: peaches, apples, quinces, pears or plums, which can be mixed before being placed in the tray, with 1-2 spoons of jam. Optionally, you can add cinnamon for extra flavor.

Place the tray in the oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius for around 30-40 minutes, then leave to cool. The result is juicy and with a specific autumn smell. Good appetite!

2023-10-16 13:09:43
#Apple #tart #sugar #free #Eat #dont #fat

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