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Suffering from Rare Condition, Rhode Island Woman Shares Story of Chronic Genital Arousal Disorder


A 21-year-old woman in Rhode Island, United States, tells her story about suffering from a rare condition. The woman named Scarlet Kaitlin Wallen admitted that she was always woken up all the time, which disturbed her activities.

“I’ve experienced pain for as long as I can remember. My vulva always feels like it’s burning, it’s like I’m naturally aroused but I’m not ask,” said Scarlet, who was quoted by People, on Thursday (25/4/2024).

Quoted from New York Post, Scarlet is known to suffer from chronic genital arousal disorder (PGAD) which causes uncontrollable arousal. He has had this condition since he was six years old. At that time, Scarlet admitted that she always felt a heavy and continuous ‘tingling’ in her genitals.

This situation even made him stop playing with his peers and made him lonely. He even hid this health problem from his parents.

Not only that, this situation also makes him use steam on his genitals to distract himself from unwanted arousal.

At the age of 18, Scarlet finally wanted to reveal this. With the help of her father, Scarlet was taken to the San Diego Sexual Therapy Clinic in California.

Her doctor thinks she has PGAD along with other sexual problems. Doctors also discovered that he had congenital neuroproliferative vestibulodynia, which means that his pelvic nerves are very sensitive to touch. He has had this disease since birth.

“My doctor told me he wanted to do a vestibulectomy, an operation to remove painful tissue from the vagina. But during the examination, he found that I had duplication,” said Scarlet.

“So first I have to remove the obstructed vascular tissue, which causes the vagina to split into two parts. Then I can continue with the vestibulectomy,” he continued he on.

In February 2023, Scarlet’s vaginal wall was finally removed and it took a week to recover. Subsequently, the vestibulectomy procedure was performed in September 2023.

The doctor will only remove some of the painful tissue so that you have a better chance of having a normal sexual desire later on.

“I just hope that one day I can live a normal life,” he said.

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2024-04-25 13:00:17
#Story #Woman #Suffering #Rare #Condition #Feeling #Aroused #Time

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