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Suffering from a winter dip? What helps and above all doesn’t help – Wel.nl

Dark and drizzly weather for days is no fun for anyone, but some people just can’t handle it very well. They suffer from a winter dip. What can be done about it?

Psychiatrist Kirsten Catthoor describes it at the HLN symptoms first. “The main symptoms of a winter dip are: it is more difficult to get out of bed, being gloomy, not needing social contacts and not wanting anything. Also, there is a tendency to quick irritation and irritability. A bigger appetite, trouble concentrating, less need for intimacy or sex, and passivity are also classic symptoms of a winter dip.

According to Catthoor, an extra light can help. “Glow glasses or light boxes are extremely effective against the winter blues. There are studies that show that they work better than drugs. The most important thing is, of course, that luminaires with a sufficiently high luminous intensity, up to 10,000 lux, are recognized”.

Don’t sleep too long
Sleeping in longer or taking an afternoon nap, as tempting as it is, isn’t the solution. “Maintaining a wake-sleep structure is essential. Go to bed around the same time every night and get up around the same time. It’s also best not to stray too far from that establishment on the weekend. It may seem comfortable, but it’s not.

There’s also no evidence that eating healthier or taking vitamin D supplements helps. The only thing that works, according to the psychiatrist, is exercising and seeing more daylight. “It is always advisable to expose yourself to daylight as much as possible. If not during the week, definitely on the weekend. For 80% of people, going outside helps against the winter doldrums.”

Blue light
“Especially the morning light contains a lot of ‘blue light’, which disrupts the production of melatonin,” explains the psychiatrist. “Open all the curtains as soon as you wake up and let in as much natural light as possible. A combination of natural light and movement, even if it’s only two days a week, is already good for feeling better.”

He recommends exercising outdoors for at least half an hour every day. “Exercising outdoors has the added benefit that neurotransmitters kick in, which kind of resets the brain. Research shows that exercise is as effective for moderate depression as medication.”

Bron(nen): HNL extension

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