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“Suffering at work”: social agents on strike in Céret

Agents from Tech’s local social center (MSP) led an action yesterday morning in front of the ceretane structure.

Agents of the ceretane structure of the Social House of Proximity (MSP) of Tech walked out for an hour yesterday morning. The reason ? Suffering at work due to the management methods put in place by the director of the territory (which brings together the structures of Céret and Argelès-sur-Mer *). “Since his arrival, 2 years ago, the latter has been in an authoritarian management of staff: infantilization, guilt […]. This has repercussions on the staff. For us there are no pilots on the plane “, detail the strikers. They claim to have “warned” the departmental council of this situation, via a letter sent on Friday, December 18 through the CGT. “To date, we have had no response”, they say. Hence the action which brought together a third of the Ceretan staff.

Covid-19 in addition

Today, their working conditions are “aggravated “, with the arrival of the Covid-19 and the establishment “imposed without prior organization” teleworking. The telephone reception is done with inappropriate equipment in view of the flow of calls, the Internet … We manage as best we can, while in the social, we must work in perfect harmony. There really is a feeling of tinkering “, they continue.

“Faced with real suffering at work”, the strikers wish “respect for the status of agents and their functions “. As well as “the end of current management methods within the Tech MSPs “.

* The same action was carried out in the Argelésienne structure.

Solicited yesterday, the departmental council of P.-O. let know: “The health, safety and working conditions committee (CHSCT) which met this morning (yesterday morning, editor’s note) addressed the subject. An assessment of psycho-social risks will be organized for the ‘all the agents of the two MSPs (Céret and Argelès-sur-Mer, editor’s note). It will diagnose the situation and recommend the best measures to be taken. This assessment was adopted unanimously by the organizations of the CHSCT “.

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