- As part of the activities of the month of the fight against breast cancer
Edgar Ruiz / Diario de Chiapas Correspondent
Berriozábal, Chiapas.- In the month of the fight against breast cancer, local authorities announced a series of activities in which citizens can participate to provide encouragement to women who are going through complicated situations with their health, which is why they have opened the Suela Tu Trenza campaign, in which donors will have surprises in return.
They announced that through the DIF system, this campaign has been started that seeks to provide encouragement to women fighting cancer, for this reason hair will be delivered to the DIF Chiapas Oncology Center so that wigs can be made for them. ladies.
They reported that everyone can participate in this noble activity, which seeks to promote values and highlight the support that people always have with other human beings.
For this reason, they detailed that the reception of the braids will take place next Saturday, October 14 in the central park of this city, where they can wear the ponytail already braided or come on the day of the event, starting at 9:00 a.m. in the morning, so that stylists can perform the cut.
The organizers specified that the requirements are that your hair be clean and dry, that it is natural, where it can even be dyed, but not bleached, in addition to that it will have to be braided with a minimum of 20 centimeters in length.
In this sense, María Penagos, president of the DIF of this municipality. She called for all people to participate in this cause, in addition to informing that beauty service packages will be given away in exchange.
He explained that at the time of handing over the ponytail they will be given a piece of paper so that in the near future they can go to the beauty salon that is supporting the cause to receive an eyebrow ironing, eyelash curling, hair dyeing, placement of acrylic nails, and If the donated hair measures more than 50 centimeters, a nanoplasty will be provided.
He hopes that citizens will join in, in addition to informing that care for women by medical specialists is planned, with the aim that they can take care of their health.

2023-10-10 00:41:03
#Call #donate #hair #Berriozábal #Diario #Chiapas