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Sued for Divorce Lulu Tobing, Husband Still Wants To Keep The Household

Jakarta, Insertlive

Household Lulu Tobing and Bani M Mulia are now on the verge of divorce. Lulu Tobing has filed a divorce lawsuit against her husband.

Lulu Tobing’s divorce lawsuit has been registered at the Religious Courts, Central Jakarta on May 18, 2021. Lulu Tobing seems determined to separate from her husband. Meanwhile, Bani M Mulia is said to still want to maintain his household with Lulu Tobing.

“Communication is still quite smooth and they still live in the same residence,” said Bani M Mulia’s attorney, Afrian Bondjol.

“The most important thing is that our client, Bani Maulana, still wants to maintain his household,” he explained.

Previously, both Lulu Tobing and her husband had gone through a mediation process in the process divorce they. However, the mediation was not fully able to find an agreement between the two.

“Mediation efforts failed to be taken, but some of them were agreed. So some were successful for mediation. In essence, he remained in his position (divorce),” Abdullah said.

The agreement reached is a matter of alimony that will be given Bani M Noble to Lulu Tobing. This was conveyed by the Registrar of the Central Jakarta Religious Court recently.

This divorce was accompanied by a series of rumors that were considered to be the cause of the divorce between Bani M Mulia and Lulu Tobing, one of which was the existence of a third person.

However, this was denied by the Bani Maulana. The lawyer said it was only an issue and not a point of reason for the divorce.

“So about rumors, the names are also rumors, yes, the stories that develop are not true at all,” said Afrian.

In addition to rumors about a third person, there are rumors that this divorce happened because of hereditary problems. Lulu Tobing reportedly filed for divorce from Bani Maulana Mulia because she could not give birth to children.

“So I can’t convey the material for the lawsuit here. That’s one, the second I hope and my client hopes to get prayer support from friends to see this problem so that the results are the best,” said Afrian in response to other issues that developed.

The trial for the divorce of Lulu Tobing and her husband, Bani Maulana Mulia, will continue on Tuesday, June 22, 2021. The trial agenda is regarding the reading of the mediation conclusion by the panel of judges at the Central Jakarta Religious Court. Lulu Tobing and Bani Maulana Mulia will certainly attend the trial.


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