Sabarimala: Although he has sung more than 500 Ayyappa devotional songs, playback singer Sudeep Kumar is happy to be given the opportunity to sing at Sabarimala Sannidhanam for the first time. He said that it was a blessing to be able to sing with famous Vadyamela artiste Sivamani. He climbed the mountain with Bhakti’s Irumudikattu and performed darshan 8 times. All that came was during the Mandal period. When you come, everything is a gathering of devotees here.
Meanwhile, events are going on here. How to get the opportunity to hold the program has not been investigated. I think that this opportunity to sing in Sannidhanam is a blessing given by Ayyappa Swami. Prakash Ullyeri’s phone comes when he is not expecting it. ‘Did Sudeep go to Sabarimala this time?’ He said no. Looking at the fast. Since it is Mandal season, some programs have been booked. He said that he intends to go on a less busy day.
Shivamani Chetan is coming. And so am I. It is enough to present a program as an offering in the presence of Ayyappa. Are you coming..’ Ullyeri asked again. Then Ayyappa tied up for darshan. Shivamani joined the group from Ernakulam. After reaching Sannidhanam, Harivarasanam was closed. In the morning Nirmaliyam saw the farm. We were lucky enough to attend the Usha Puja at 7.30. After that the program was presented on stage. Sudeep has sung many devotional songs and film songs, many of which have become popular. He also received the state award for the best singer in 2011.
Sivamani’s music on his birthday
On his birthday, the music of Bhakti was lit by the music created by famous drum magician Shivamani. When Ayyappa sang devotional songs combining drum, takhil and keyboard etc., the pilgrims also joined the rhythm. Shivamani played various musical instruments while running. Her daughter Milana (5) joined her in rhythm. Singer Sudeep Kumar and this year’s Sangeetha Nataka Academy Award winner Prakash Ullyeri joined the keyboard. The music started with Shankholi and ended with a fusion composed by Sivamani and Prakash Ullyeri.
It was also here that the newly purchased auto drum was played for the first time. Since 1984, the Ayyappa darshan has been observed continuously during the Mandal season. December 1st is birthday. So this is also possible. Shivamani said that he gets new energy by visiting Ayyappa. Milana came as Kanni Swami. After climbing the 18th step, Melshanti met PN Mahesh and took blessings.