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Sudden resignation of government-appointed agency head Former prosecutor at National Pension Service

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In a situation where discussions on health insurance reform are in full swing, Chairman Kang Do-tae, who leads the National Health Insurance Corporation, resigned today.

I was appointed by the last government, so my term of office is still close to two years, and I even held a press conference a while ago, but as I suddenly resigned today, questions about the background are growing.

Reporter Lee Jun-beom covered the story.

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On the 15th of last month, the National Health Insurance Service held a press conference for the new year.

Chairman Kang Do-tae presented major projects and tasks as well as future innovation directions.

However, within three weeks, he suddenly resigned from his position.

The term of office was 1 year and 10 months left, and there was no separate retirement ceremony.

Instead, he said, “It is important to promote health insurance reform and innovation from a new perspective.”

Chairman Kang is known to have explained to those around him, “I have not been contacted to resign.”

However, inside the corporation, there is a reaction of curiosity, saying that it has been motivated to work.

There are also suspicions that external pressure has worked in that he was appointed at the end of the last government.

Chairman Kang served as the 2nd Vice Minister of Health and Welfare in the previous government and led health care policies such as Moon Jae-in Care.

[강도태/국민건강보험공단 이사장 (지난해 8월)]

″Fiscal expenditure management will be further advanced, and the fiscal space secured through this will be used to promote the new government’s national tasks.″

This is the third time that the head of an agency under the Ministry of Health and Welfare has stepped down without completing his term.

In the National Pension Service, where the head of the institution has already changed, a former prosecutor has been appointed to a key position, causing controversy.

Attorney Han Seok-hoon, a former prosecutor, was appointed as a full-time member of the expert committee created to strengthen the independence and expertise of fund management.

[정창률 교수/국민연금 기금운용실무평가위원]

″In fact, the fact that a former prosecutor is coming cannot be seen as a very good signal for the fund’s management, and it is clearly a much better method for an investment or financial expert to come……”

As the controversy grew, the Ministry of Health and Welfare explained that ″As a financial law expert who has lectured as a commercial law professor for 15 years, she has statutory qualifications and was recommended by the business community.″

However, an official from the expert committee pointed out, ″As an expert in commercial law, I can understand the issue of exercising shareholder rights, but it seems insufficient to participate in the main task, investment discussions.″

In particular, as a lawyer is known to have published a book that the impeachment ruling of former President Park Geun-hye is null and void, the controversy over incompetence is growing.

This is Lee Jun-beom from MBC News.

Video Editing: Nam Joo Nam

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