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Sudden hair loss – causes and treatment options at a glance – WiWa-Lokal

If hair loss occurs suddenly, it can be a great challenge for those affected. The head hair is still considered a beauty feature in society. But what causes hair loss and what treatment options are there?

There are different causes of hair loss that can be considered when it comes to hair loss. Hair loss is particularly widespread among men – every second man suffers from thinning hair.

Image source: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

In this article, the possible reasons for hair loss as well as treatment options are examined in more detail.

Four causes of hair loss

Hair loss not only has different causes, but also different symptoms. Fewer hairs grow back, the hair volume decreases and bald heads are also widespread. The most common hair loss causes are divided into four categories:

Hereditary hair loss

Hereditary hair loss, also called androgenetic alopecia, is the most common reason for hair loss. It can be traced back to a genetic predisposition and affects both men and women. The cause of the hair loss is an increased sensitivity of the hair follicles to DHT, a metabolite of the hormone testosterone.

A hair usually has a lifespan of around seven years and first goes through the growth phase, then the transition phase and then goes through the rest phase before it fails. If the growth phase is shortened, the overall lifespan of the hair is shortened, fewer hairs grow back and hair loss occurs.

The good news: hereditary hair loss doesn’t have to be accepted as fate. This form of hair loss can also be effectively contained, although it is genetically determined.

Stress-related hair loss

If there is a sudden loss of hair, hair loss can sometimes be a cause of stress. Both physical stress, for example from radical diets or competitive sports, and psychological stress, for example from challenges at work or family problems, can be reasons for hair loss.

Image source: Photo by Nathan Cowley

If a person is under stress, this has a direct impact on the nervous system. This is closely linked to the sensitive organ skin. The skin cells are involved in hair growth and are negatively influenced by stress hormones. They narrow and the hair is no longer supplied with sufficient nutrients that are essential for healthy growth. In addition, the body needs a lot of energy when under stress, so that less energy is left for hair growth and hair loss can occur.

Circular hair loss

If oval or round bald spots appear on the head or other parts of the body without warning, the hair loss cause can be circular hair loss. The reasons for this type of hair loss have not yet been conclusively determined, but are believed to be caused by an autoimmune response in the body. This form of hair loss can be caused by an unbalanced diet and mental stress. The hair usually grows back when the individual cause of hair loss has been clarified and treated.

Diffuse hair loss

Diffuse hair loss is characterized by an even hair loss over the entire head, the course of which varies from person to person. There are many reasons for diffuse hair loss, which is why hair loss can occur very suddenly. In addition to stress, medication and illness, malnutrition, diets and aggressive styling products are also possible causes of hair loss.

Treatment options at a glance

There are several treatment options to effectively stop hair loss:

  1. Active shampoo with caffeine
    With a special shampoo that contains the active ingredient caffeine, hereditary hair loss in men and women can be effectively contained. Caffeine penetrates deeply into the scalp, promotes blood circulation, neutralizes the negative effect of the hormone DH testosterone and thus stimulates hair growth.
  2. Solutions and foams
    Minoxidil is contained in many solutions and foams that are available over the counter in pharmacies. These are applied to the scalp and can lead to a slight fluff even if the hair is already lost. External use of minoxidil can cause irritation and inflammation of the scalp. Since it is actually an antihypertensive agent, other side effects can also occur.
  1. Medication
    A drug like Finasteride is used for hereditary hair loss

however, prescription only. Possible side effects include loss of libido, depression, impotence and ejaculation disorders.

All products with active ingredients must be used long-term for hereditary hair loss. If the product is discontinued, hair loss occurs again.

In general, the most important thing to check if you lose hair is your own lifestyle, reduce stress and pay attention to a healthy diet. If it is not hereditary hair loss, hair loss is usually a sign that something is out of balance. Therefore, the cause of the hair loss should always be investigated.

Published on May 20, 2020, 12:24 pm

Short URL: https://www.wiwa-lokal.de/?p=283552

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