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Sudden death non-elderly patent cardiologist exposed “2 peak age”-News-Free Health

[Changchun Monthly]In recent years, there have been a series of unexpected cases of sudden deaths of celebrities. What is surprising is that they were all in the youthful and vigorous period of unfortunate age. The occurrence of these cases reveals that “sudden death” is not old age. People’s patents!

Sudden death is the main cause

According to the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) To “Sudden Death” The definition of is that there are no signs of symptoms, and the whole process takes less than one hour from the occurrence of symptoms to death.According to relevant domestic and foreign literature reports, the main reason for sudden death cases is psychogenic (that is, various heart diseases).50%to80%To Above, which means that myocardial infarction, severe angina, cardiomyopathy Changes, combined with arrhythmia and other reasons.

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Sudden death has 2 peak periods from birth to 6 months, 45 to 75 years old

Generally speaking, there are two peak periods in the age group of sudden death, namely, birth to 6 months, and 45 to 75 years. The incidence of sudden death in the latter is 100 times that of adolescence to 30 years old. Cardiologist Li Aixian pointed out that in the issue of sudden death, there is indeed a gap in age distribution. 0 to 6 months is a peak of sudden death, which is what we often hear about sudden infant death. It is usually related to respiratory diseases or some congenital diseases. Sexual issues are related.

The second peak occurs between the ages of 45 and 75, most of which are caused by arrhythmia caused by some acquired heart diseases, such as angina or valve problems, while slowly developing cardiomyopathy; Some patients may have genes for fatal arrhythmia or cardiomyopathy, but they have not yet manifested themselves when they were young, and slowly appear after the age of 45.

Eating habits are becoming more and more westernized, sudden deaths increase between 30 and 45 years old

The rate of occurrence of newborns between 6 months old and 30 years old is the lowest; but during the period from 30 to 45 years old, foreign statistical reports point out that the incidence of sudden death is gradually increasing. Generally speaking, if young people do not have a family history of sudden death (often combined with arrhythmia), and have no myocarditis or cardiomyopathy, the chance of sudden death is not high.

However, due to the increasing westernization of Chinese eating habits, blood fats are increasing year by year, the proportion of triglycerides is also on the rise, and the number of diabetic patients is also increasing, so that the age of coronary heart disease does not seem to be that of middle-aged and elderly people anymore. patent.

In addition, some studies have pointed out that the occurrence of sudden death is positively correlated with life pressure and work pressure. “British Medical Journal” (British Medical Journal) once published a study, conducted research and statistics on workplace workers, the report showed that the greater the pressure of work, the greater the frustration, the less satisfaction people will have in the future. The risk of vascular diseases (including fatal myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, etc.) can be as high as 2.2 times.

Sudden death is divided into 5 types to recognize early to avoid regrets

1. Sudden death from overwork

“Overworked death” (Karoshi) is a term invented by the Japanese. It refers to working continuously for 24 hours before death; or there are at least five working days greater than 16 hours in the week before death. It is considered that the two are related. Basically, more than 80% of sudden deaths caused by overwork are related to cardiovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction, heart failure, and arrhythmia caused by fatal results; moreover, it is cerebrovascular problems, such as stroke (Including: ischemic stroke caused by blood vessel obstruction, hemorrhagic stroke caused by blood vessel rupture, etc.).

Sudden death due to overwork is not only due to long hours of work, but also closely related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Among them, 60 to 70% are caused by cardiovascular diseases; and 20 to 30% are caused by cerebrovascular problems; work pressure itself can also cause cardiovascular diseases, so it can be said that sudden death is linked to overwork. It lies in the problem of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Sudden sports death

There have been studies on sudden sports deaths abroad. Anatomical studies of more than 30 athletes who have died due to sports have pointed out that 2/3 of them are structural problems in the heart, and these problems were not detected before the sudden death, that is, Suddenly died at the first time.

Foreign studies have pointed out that the chance of sudden death after exercise is less than one in ten thousand, which is very low. If it occurs over the age of 45, the risk of coronary heart disease will increase by 10 times, 50 More than% is due to coronary heart disease. Sudden exercise-related deaths actually still account for the majority of cardiovascular problems. Basically, if you feel unwell during exercise, you should seek medical attention immediately.

3. Sudden death caused by myocarditis

Originally, the heart has nothing to do. Once the heart suffers from a virus infection and causes cardiac dysfunction, there is also the risk of sudden death. There are a very small number of viral infections that affect the heart, and it is not easy for us to detect it; if after catching a cold, it becomes more and more asthmatic, heart palpitations, chest tightness, and general weakness, in fact, we must be self-alert and be careful about the possibility of myocarditis . In fact, as long as the disease is handled properly, myocarditis will rarely have any major sequelae after survival.

4. Sudden death with cardiomyopathy or other structural abnormalities

There is also a kind of young people who may die suddenly due to arrhythmia, which is their own cardiomyopathy (that is, heart disease). In addition, there are some special genetic constitutions that did not develop symptoms when they were young, but the genetic genes that carry them become hypertrophic in areas that should not be hypertrophic when they are older. Therefore, when the heart contracts, the blood cannot be pumped out.

At this time, the heart may be arrested, arrhythmia, or ventricular fibrillation, etc., which may lead to sudden death. Another example is that in some patients, the coronary arteries are deformed and sandwiched between the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Excessive, will cause sudden death due to ischemia.

5. Sudden death of congenital arrhythmia syndrome

Congenital arrhythmia syndrome-type sudden death cannot be ignored. In this case, ultrasound or computer tomography may show structural abnormalities, but most of them may not be captured by ultrasound. This kind of congenital problem, one of which is medically referred to as “Long-QT” syndrome.

Li Aixian added that there are different wavelengths such as PQRST in the electrocardiogram (each wave represents a different meaning), and one of them is Long-QT related to genetic factors; some families may carry genetic mutations, which are prone to fatal Irregular heart rhythms fall into this category.

Seek medical attention as soon as possible if there is abnormality in congenital sudden death

How can people with congenital problems detect it? In fact, some people with congenital genes do not develop the disease in the early stage, and may slowly affect when they are young. The age of onset of different subtypes is also the same, and it may not necessarily occur after the age of 45. Therefore, if someone in your family has died suddenly, you should actually pay special attention.

Further reading:
GG in 10 minutes! 5 kinds of people are most likely to die suddenly…Beware of colds that haven’t recovered for too long
70% of sudden cardiac death is related to coronary artery disease!Men and women have different causes. There are 3 major symptoms from the day to a week before sudden death

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