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Sud Nord Invest arrives in Salerno

A two-day event that will bring together politicians, institutions and businesses from all over the country to discuss the topic of differentiated autonomy, the development of Italian industry and the green transition. The second edition of SUD NORD INVEST, promoted by FICEI and the Consorzio ASI Salerno, will be held on 26 and 27 September at the Stazione Marittima Zaha Hadid in Salerno. During the event, prizes will be awarded ASI SALERNO AWARDSaimed at companies in the province of Salerno that have distinguished themselves in the implementation of ESG.

The event, which represents an evolution of the first edition held in Benevento, aims to create an open and constructive dialogue between North and South, highlighting the challenges and opportunities related to the recent approval of the bill on differentiated autonomy. This meeting, which will be attended by representatives of Italian industrial consortia, intends to offer an overview of the current scenario and to outline future possibilities in terms of territorial development, infrastructure and active labor policies.

The topic of LEP (Essential Levels of Performance) will also be discussed, fundamental services that must be guaranteed to all citizens, regardless of the region in which they reside.

The program of the second edition of SUD NORD INVEST includes two days of meetings and debates. On September 26th it will open with the speeches of the Mayor of Salerno, Vincenzo Napoliof the President of the Province, Frank AlfieriOf Antonio Ferraioli, President of Confindustria Salerno, of Fabio NaplesPresident of Ance Aies Salerno, and of Andrea PriestPresident of Unioncamere. Two talks are planned: “Measures to support the development of territories” and “Active labor policies: regions compared”, with interventions by mayors, deputies, regional councilors, professional orders and unions.

On September 27, the following talks will be addressed: “The infrastructures that unite the country”, a relevant theme for Salerno, which last July celebrated the start of operations of its airport; “Visions and comparisons: the National Legislator”, “Visions and comparisons: the Regional Legislator”, and “Visions and comparisons on Italy: South calls North”.

SPEECHES BY MICHELE EMILIANO AND VINCENZO DE LUCA AND CLOSING WITH “ASI SALERNO AWARDS” – The day will end with greetings from Michele Emiliano, President of the Puglia Region, and an interview with the President of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca by Corriere della Sera journalist Nicola Saldutti. Finally, awards ceremony for the companies participating in the second edition of the ASI Salerno Awards, the contest promoted by the ASI Salerno Consortium that promotes good ESG, innovation and sustainability practices, in collaboration with the ESG Observatory of Sapienza University of Rome and the Saccone Foundation.

SOUTH NORTH INVEST” represents a unique opportunity to connect two souls of Italy that are often perceived as distant. The event aims not only to discuss the implications of differentiated autonomy, but also to create a common ground on which to build a more cohesive and sustainable future for the country.

Anthony Visconti (President of FICEI and Consorzio ASI Salerno): “This event represents an important opportunity for discussion on the future of Italian industry and the need to unite the country in a vision of common development. Salerno is at the center of the national debate and thanks to the presence of institutions, businesses and consortia, we can outline an innovative path for entrepreneurial growth and the green transition. It is essential to delve into all the most current issues, including differentiated autonomy, to provide a complete picture to businesses and citizens”.

The event is sponsored by the Campania Region, the Province of Salerno, the Municipality of Salerno, Unioncamere, the Chamber of Commerce of Salerno, Coldiretti Campania, Confindustria Campania, Confindustria Salerno, Ance Aies Salerno, Svimez, the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Salerno, the Order of Lawyers of Salerno, the Order of Architects of Salerno, the Order of Engineers of Salerno, the Order of Labor Consultants of the Province of Salerno, BCC Aquara, Banca Campania Centro, BCC Capaccio Paestum Serino, BCC Magna Grecia, Banca Montepruno, Fondazione Cassa Rurale Battipaglia, Kyoto Club, Enel X, Sellalab, Symbola. Strategic partners: ESG Ability Sapienza Roma Observatory, Gruppo Stratego, Fondazione Saccone.

#Sud #Nord #Invest #arrives #Salerno
– 2024-09-24 01:12:19

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