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Successor to “Indiana Jones”?: That’s why Chris Pratt doesn’t want the role

Indiana Jones sequel?
That’s why Chris Pratt doesn’t want the role

Chris Pratt at a Los Angeles premiere in June 2022.

© imago images/APress

There have been rumors for years that Chris Pratt could be Harrison Ford’s successor as Indiana Jones. The actor apparently refuses.

More than seven years ago, the rumor circulated that Chris Pratt (43) could one day succeed Harrison Ford (80) when the acting legend resigned as Indiana Jones. But as the Hollywood star now says, he apparently has no intention of ever slipping into the role of the iconic archaeologist.

In January 2015 the industry portal “Deadline” reported for the first timethat Pratt is in talks to play Indiana Jones in a revival of the adventure series by star director Steven Spielberg (75). Josh Horowitz voices Pratt in his podcast “Happy Sad Confused” to the rumors now.

“I don’t even know who Steven Spielberg is,” Pratt jokes at first, asking, “Steven, who?” Then he points out that a new “Indiana Jones” movie with Ford is in the works. The producer Frank Marshall (75) announced in February via Twitter announced the completion of filming. The theatrical release for the fifth and probably last appearance of Ford as an action archaeologist is expected in summer 2023.

The ghost of Harrison Ford

At some point Pratt read a quote that had a lasting influence on him: “If I die, Indiana Jones dies.” He doesn’t know if Ford actually said that, “but it was enough to scare me.” He’s now wondering what would happen if he were to play the role: “One day I’ll be haunted by Harrison Ford’s ghost […]The rumors, according to Pratt, are “not something that’s real.” People just make mistakes.

The actor is apparently referring to an interview the Ford in May 2019 of the US program “Today” had given. “No one will be Indiana Jones,” he said at the time. “I’m Indiana Jones. When I’m gone, he won’t be either. It’s as simple as that.”


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