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Successful presentation of Atmos, a group of bone marrow transplant recipients

The different types of cancer in the blood (Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma) are devastating when the patient is diagnosed, when he is its victim. the cried Avoid Peron or the unforgettable Concha Garcia Campoy they died young because not even a bone marrow transplant cured that evil.

The lesson that the man from Malaga taught us a few years ago Paul Raez made visible his strength, courage and civic example. He spread on social networks that the cancer that took him to his grave is fought with donors, with a passion for living and facing evil with determination. A wave of youth solidarity connected us with something close that seemed distant to them. Raez He was one of their own, he was a young man who did not give up.

In Seville, bone marrow transplant recipients are clear that union gives them the strength they vindicated Raez. Inform, assist, improve and raise awareness are its doctrines. we bind lifeas one of its slogans says, is the north in the plural that aims to ATMOS-Association of Bone Marrow Transplant Patients. Although they have been active for more than two years, it was yesterday when they dressed up. And they did it in a big way, presenting strength-idea credentials.

Health and institutional support

The presentation of ATMOS in public took place in a packed auditorium of the School of Industrial Organization-EOIa prestigious one Business School that before was the flag of canada at the 1992 Expo. Various speakers intervened introducing Lola Chavez ex officio, without relaxing the security measures required by the pandemic.

Several experts in transplants and Hematology took the floor to support ATMOS. The Dr. Perez Simon Deputy Director of IBIS and Head of the Hematology Service in HU Virgen del Rocío) and Dr. Alicia Rodriguez (Hematologist-Head of Department of the HU Virgin Macarena) positively valued that ATMOS occupy the social place that the Hospital cannot offer. The sage of transplants and laureate Dr. Perez Bernal does not retire his passion for helping those who need foreign organs to survive. It is the soul of many groups of transplanted for its dedication. His emotional words were loaded with experience. The Dr. Rafael LebreroCoordinator of the CRTS-Regional Blood Transfusion Centerrecalled that blood donation is substantive, necessary and entails a civic mandate towards our fellow human beings.

The President of ATMOS, Anthony Silvamade a heartfelt chronology of the efforts of the group he leads to make it a reality. Paco Robles, unrepeatable Writer and journalist-philologist, contributed his experience as the father of a transplant patient. He added the story of him overcoming a stroke as an example of fighting life. His verbal writing made holy Perez Bernal and his own wife, the host of the event, Lola Chavez for helping you overcome vital obstacles. Robles he already made us Sevillians saints when he wrote works like vanity fair and Fools of Hood.

The event had broad institutional support. The Sevillian Delegate of the Andalusian Government, Ricardo Sanchez and the Deputy Mayor-Delegate for Health, Encarnacion Aguilar, spoke clearly about their support for the group that dressed long. They knew of the effort and will of its members.

Solidarity Seville

The event that we are reviewing had a large presence of transplant recipients, revived people, who showed that the blood cancer it can be overcome with will, enthusiasm, help from science and Andalusian public health professionals. There we saw many for their empathy and dedication to service. Cancer patients have the best professionals nearby.

We also saw a wide representation of transplant groups (kidney, liver, heart…), paschal brotherhoods, relatives of transplant patients, volunteering already Jose Manuel Soriaan engineer devoted to the cause of ATMOS. Learn up close how devastating blood cancer is. The business group he leads (Ingemont) encourages blood donations and relentlessly searches for marrow donations among young people between 18 and 40 years of age, the most suitable candidates. The battle of Soria will organize an event at the SIT because university youth are among the most likely to donate blood, marrow or plasma, according to the numbers.

ATMOS It is the first Andalusian initiative in terms of a group of blood transplant recipients. REDMOfrom Josep Carreras Foundationis a bank of donors and assistance entity that supports its patients, but they generally live far from Andalusia.

A service group Rotary Club Sevilla International, was well represented in the act that we discussed. The current and next President, the jurist Anthony Beard and the businesswoman Ana Garridowith their presence they endorsed that supporting ATMOS is the current star project of said Club. We already reviewed here the reception of this Rotary Club hispalense to the entrepreneurs already The Hub Toastmasters.

Raez’s soul

The son of the Marbella firefighter impacted us all fighting leukemia. His legacy remains. Let’s say it’s intact. The motto of him ‘always strong‘ embraces a decisive philosophy. When I repeated ‘I want to send all my strength and encouragement to all the people who are going through a difficult process, whether it is illness or not, and tell them that everything happens; absolutely everything…’ toasted to life. From the sky of courage, Raez distributes the spirit that deserves to face the challenge of overcoming cancer.

Without anyone naming it, the soul of Raez seemed to be omnipresent in the act that toasted ATMOS. The transplanted themselves help those who have to go through the process of apheresis so that the blood returns to the canons of health. The vital markers of the transplant recipients fill with hope to challenge the different oncological modalities in human blood. Scientists are also determined to save threatened lives. The survival rate is increasing thanks to the efforts of our researchers.

But for all this it is substantive to donate blood. Or provide it in case it is compatible with a diagnosed patient. Donating blood is the most genuine horizontal solidarity, which must reach the citizenry. So he repeats Dr. Rafael HernandezPresident of ADSTOSa group that brings together blood, tissue and organ donors in Seville.

Dear readers: donating blood does not make you dizzy, it is not contagious, the prick does not hurt, it renews the bloodstream and saves lives. That of accident victims, women in labor, hemophiliacs, oncology patients, operated patients…. Blood, despite the efforts of science, cannot be manufactured. It is imperative to donate blood. They can donate blood, 4 times a year, men; 3 women. Between 18 and 65 years old. Blood banks need to be covered all year. Hospitals, remember, open from Monday to Sunday, 24 hours. Without blood and bone marrow donors, everything would be very different.

Donating blood, being compatible to do so with bone marrow is something that saves many lives that falter or may be lost. It is an act of generosity that costs nothing. Just knowing that we have helped someone without just hoping that their health improves. ATMOS, the soul of Raez and the spirit of overcoming adversity were present yesterday at the EOI. They remind us of phrases like this: ‘It’s not about how many times they say no, or how many times you fall. It’s about how many times you stand up and move on’.

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