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Successful Life-saving Surgery on Syrian Citizen with Severe Skull Fractures

The administration of Baalbek Governmental Hospital announced, in a statement, “A medical team from the hospital, consisting of brain surgery specialist Dr. Hassan Amhaz and his assistants, and specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation Dr. Ali Yazbek, succeeded in saving the life of a Syrian citizen after he was exposed to an accident that led to him suffering severe skull fractures, especially in Introduction: The citizen was admitted to the hospital emergency room unconscious, suffering from bleeding and deep, ruptured, open wounds in the front of his head, several skull fractures, and ruptured brain cells.

He was immediately admitted to the operating room, where he underwent surgery during which the fractures of the skull and face were repaired after stopping the bleeding.”

Dr. Amhaz explained, after the operation was successful, that “the necessary medical examinations were conducted for the patient after a very precise and exceptional operation that lasted about four hours, and it was found that there was no weakness in any of the limbs, and the same was true of memory. The patient will be subjected to observation in the intensive care department until he improves.” “And he recovered completely.”

The hospital director, Dr. Abbas, thanked the medical team, led by Dr. Amhaz, for “accuracy, follow-up, seriousness and professionalism in performance.” And the nursing team and all “who contributed to this amazing success.”

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2023-10-13 14:53:01

#medical #team #Baalbek #Governmental #Hospital #succeeded #performing #outstanding #surgical #procedure

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