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Successful experiment? Personal Token ALEX up 1,000 percent

In April 2020, Alex Masmej opened a new chapter in crypto history. He carried out the first “Human IPO” to fund his next career steps. Measured by the price development of his ALEX token, the experiment was a success.

Almost exactly a year ago, the young French entrepreneur Alex Masmej dared an experiment: As part of an “Initial ALEX Offering”, Masmej sold a so-called personal token that is linked to his personal career. Masmej wanted to use the income from the ICO to finance his further career steps. Within a week, the start-up founder collected the targeted USD 20,000, which should pave the way for him to San Francisco. Masmej sold one million ALEX tokens (ten percent of the supply) via the Roll platform. Masmej granted the first-time investors, among other things, a share of his income for the next 3 years. ALEX token holders from this financing round are to receive 15 percent of their annual income.

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Control my Life: Personal Token in use

Shortly after the successful funding, Masmej carried out further experiments with the ALEX token. For example, in July 2020 token holders were able to vote on how Masmej should organize his days. The voting was: jogging 5 kilometers a day, getting up at 6:00 a.m., not eating beef and pork and the challenge of getting through the day only with Bitcoin. The community let Masmej run.

The next trick followed a month later: In August 2020, Masmej and Roll introduced a liquidity mining program for ALEX on the decentralized exchange Uniswap. The goal: ALEX’s liquidity should be increased in a controlled manner. A collaboration with the social token platform Whale also began in August.

In the meantime, a lot has happened at Masmej – even if the long-awaited move to San Francisco is still a long way off. The latter is mainly due to a certain virus that has kept the world in suspense since last year. However, that doesn’t stop Masmej from looking for employees for his latest project. With Showtime the personal token pioneer is planning a social network for creative people in which non-fungible tokens (NFT) will play a central role. The platform is currently still in the MVP phase, but can already be tested.

ALEX course is impressive

From a technical point of view, the “ALEX” experiment can only be described as a success. Masmej himself also told BTC-ECHO that the experiment was a success. At press time, ALEX is trading at $ 0.15, a 1,000 percent increase in value since the Initial ALEX Offering.

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ALEX course since ICO. Source: nomics.com

The number of those who invest in the future of the young entrepreneur has grown from 29 first-time investors to 623.

ALEX token on etherscan.io

Social tokens and personal tokens: the NFT of tomorrow?

Masmej confirmed to BTC-ECHO that he will found his new start-up Showtime in San Francisco. He is convinced that social tokens like ALEX are the future:

Personal tokens will change the creative economy and countless other industries,

Masmej told BTC-ECHO. At least last year, Masmej had already had a good nose: In January, he founded a platform with the start-up Rocket, where NFTs can be deposited as collateral for crypto loans. In an accompanying post, Masmeij predicted explosive growth for the NFT sector in the coming years. The past few months have proven him right. Of course, it remains to be seen whether history will repeat itself with social tokens. One thing is certain, however: Social tokens are a trend that needs to be observed.

Note on our own behalf: In the coming CryptocompassIn the 05/2021 edition, the BTC-ECHO editorial team deals intensively with the topic of social tokens. You can already find a first classification here.

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