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Successful Emergency C-Section at Mother’s Home Saves Mother and Child

A team of experts at “Mother’s Home” performed a complicated birth, BNT said.

The woman in labor had very low platelet levels and required an emergency C-section. Today, the mother and child are doing well.

Anna is 36 years old and this is her first pregnancy. Despite easy progress in the first month of age, problems appear.

“In the seventh month with blood tests, my gynecologist found out that I have low symptoms. That is, my platelets are very low and I entered the Tarnovo hospital for treatment,” Anna explained.

Due to her condition, the hospital in Veliko Tarnovo sent her to Sofia. The plan was to admit Anna to the Mothers’ Home Hospital before the birth, but that didn’t happen.

“My water broke on Sunday afternoon and my husband and I left here. They put me in the delivery room,” said the woman.

“Thanks to the quick actions and the communication with our hematology colleagues, we managed to raise part of the platelets to 69 and I went in and performed a caesarean section, where we delivered a live and healthy baby and the a good woman,” said Dr. Lubomir Dzherov, head of the “Births” department in SBALAG “Machin dom”.

Anne and her son are now well and ready to go home. In our country, cases of cesarean sections and natural birth.

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2024-05-04 18:00:00

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