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Successful baptism of fire for Max Olivier Obame Ndong

Libreville, Saturday September 30, 2023 (Infos Gabon) – The brand new spokesperson for the Gabonese presidency made his first official outing this Saturday in front of the press.

No state of grace for Max Olivier Obame Ndong. Less than 48 hours after his brilliant appointment, the brand new spokesperson for the Gabonese presidency made his debut this Saturday during his very first press conference. On the menu of discussions with men and women of the media, the assessment of the transition, one month to the day, in particular, the actions carried out and the decisions taken by the Head of State. A rather successful outing for the newly promoted.

On the web, the comments are going rather well and salute the professionalism, the skill, the easy speech and the right word which characterized the man during this not always easy exercise. “A rich press briefing. The perspectives are also stated. It is this mirror into the future that reassures populations. The Gabonese is now reassured and filled with hope”; “Successful exercise and good luck in your new duties! “, can we read Internet users.

This outing sufficiently shows that the former columnist at Radio Gabon and former TV news presenter at RTG, is indeed in his element and that the choice made by the highest Gabonese authorities on his person is not a fact by chance.


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