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Successful Alzheimer’s Meeting: Understanding Dementia and the Disturbed Brain with Barbara Oppelaar

Home › News › Looking back on the very successful Alzheimer’s Meeting Point

Published: Wednesday, December 20, 2023 11:11 am

Brielle – Barbara Oppelaar gave an enthusiastic explanation about the development of the brain and what happens in it during dementia.

The monthly Alzheimer’s Meeting Point Voorne aan Zee ensured a packed room on Wednesday evening, December 13. Many interested parties from the region came to the Bolwerk in Brielle for the theme “Dementia and the disturbed brain” with discussion leader Marian and guest Barbara Oppelaar (known from the ‘Ervarea’ theme theater).

It was very clear that Barbara’s passion lies in providing information and education about dealing with dementia. And that trying to understand what is going on in someone’s head is something she deals with every day.

Barbara gave an enthusiastic explanation this evening about the development of the brain and what happens in it when someone is affected by (a form of) dementia. She emphatically distinguished between the lower brain and the upper brain. “The first develops until the fourth year of life and concerns feelings (expressed in spontaneous and impulsive behavior), while the upper brain develops between the ages of 4 and 25 (thinking, planning, taking initiative, taking others into account). People with dementia lose the upper brain first. This often makes them feel overloaded, which can lead to stress. If everyone understands a little better why a person with dementia acts or reacts in this way, they can deal with it in a completely different way. There are options, for example by offering instead of asking.” Full of enthusiasm, with a lot of humor but sometimes also emotionally, Barbara expressed her mission to make the world more beautiful for people with a damaged brain. Elderly people with dementia sometimes experience stress and insecurity throughout the day, more understanding and more ‘safety’ could often help a lot.

It was a very informative and successful evening! Worth repeating!

But also an evening in which we unfortunately said goodbye to two loyal members of the working group, namely Paola van Vliet and Marike van Waas (both due to other commitments). Of course, nothing but many thanks for their many years of dedication and contributions.

2023-12-20 10:15:22
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