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Subtle signs of major heart problems. They should not be ignored!

Subtle signs of major heart problems. Photo: Natalya Bagranovskaya, EAOmedia

Often, people write off important signs of a malfunction in the cardiovascular system to normal malaise. Cardiologists urge to be more attentive to some of the “bells”.

If a person quickly gets tired of normal physical activity, you should be wary, doctors say. In this case, fatigue should resemble that which occurs with a cold or flu. Often fatigue occurs due to the fact that the main organ does not pump the necessary amount of blood through the body.

A sudden cough that is taken “out of nowhere” may be a signal that there are problems associated with heart failure. It happens that fluid accumulates in the lungs, which provokes a cough, similar to that that appears with asthma.

The lack of leg hair signals that there is not enough oxygen to supply the extremities with blood due to the narrowed arteries, cardiologists comment.

Edema speaks of heart problems. The organ does not pump blood in the required volume, veins push out excess fluid in the tissue, bloating appears. Such edema can be seen on the feet, stomach, and other places. When this symptom appears, experts advise putting pressure on the skin of the fingers. If after this there is a deepening, there is an excess of fluid in the tissues. In this case, you should make an appointment with a cardiologist.

You should also be careful if you have pain. When the artery is affected by cholesterol plaques, the myocardium transmits pain signals through the nervous system. Therefore, the neck, shoulders, back, arms may hurt.

With coronary heart disease, the stomach can hurt, heartburn appears. If such symptoms are noticeable exclusively during physical exertion, and not after a feast, you should consult a doctor, writes “МедикФорум“.

Alena Schulz

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